
Troika welcomes Addis meeting as a step to restore democracy in Sudan

The Troika (Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States) welcomed the CDF preparatory meeting that ended yesterday in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

US state spokesman Matthew Miller said in a statement that the meeting was an important step towards the formation of a broad pro-democracy civil front and the Sudanese peoples commitment to the democratic future.

Troika stressed that the formation of a post-conflict transitional civilian government required the broad participation of Sudanese to resume Sudans democratic progress.

Miller added that the meetings collective commitment to convene a broader conference for a more diverse representation of the Sudan next month was encouraging. Noting that the preparatory meeting brought together many parties from within and outside the Sudan, including representatives of historically marginalized areas, resistance committees, trade unions, professional associations, civil society organizations, political parties and independent personalities.

The statement by the spokesman for the United States State Department encouraged Sudanese civilians to encourage a strong pro-democracy civil front, stressing the start of addressing issues of transition, governance and national consensus to pressure warring parties to stop fighting and facilitate humanitarian assistance.

The troika condemned the continued violence and tragic loss of life throughout the Sudan, stressing that the Sudan would continue to need international support and attention. It would continue to focus on efforts to ensure that diverse communities could meaningfully participate in building the Sudans democratic future, while supporting displaced persons and other vulnerable communities through life-saving humanitarian assistance.

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