
Interested and Politicians reduce Sudanese meeting in Addis Ababa

Khartoum - Moatinoon
Interested and politicians and members of the resistance committees downplayed the political power talks, which met in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, and said: To citizens, the ``Civil Front to Stop War`` will not make a breakthrough in the political landscape as long as it is led by the elite who worked to equate the militia of rapid support with the military establishment, in a clear reference to FFC parties. They say it has lost the transitional period with both sides of the war. They explained to citizens that what they were doing now was a production of the crisis and an infusion of spirit in the framework agreement rejected by the people.

The Sudanese Communist Party said that the formation of a broad public front requires us to learn about our experiences, criticize them and take advantage of their positives. He called on the masses of the people and the Forces for Change to join forces and engage in anti-war action.

Citizenship and interest in Sudans political affairs, Hind al-Tijani, says that the civil front meetings held in Addis Ababa will not change anything in the current conflict in the Sudan. Al-Tijani said: ``The current conflict is only representative between the parties to the war, the rapid support generals and the Sudanese army, among which the Sudanese people have been harmed. Al-Tajjani, speaking to citizens, added that ``FFC parties`` had found an opportunity to govern and wasted them by defining them with the military. Now, the meetings in Addis Ababa are tantamount to ``biting the fingers``, as they put it. She adds: I am not very optimistic about the Addis Ababa talks because they repeat the same earlier mistakes, in the same ways that the opportunity to govern was lost because of their selfishness, love of power and differences over positions and chairs, until the youth revolution lost the ``glorious December revolution`` without applying its most important slogans ``military barracks and Janjaweed dissolves``.

But we in the living forces, from resistance committees, island change forces and genuine democratic organizations, will rise up and recover our revolution as a violin through all peaceful means, whether through political strikes, mass civil disobedience or otherwise, the will of the Sudanese people and their awareness of the ``meaning of change``. However long or short the time, the revolution will finally prevail.

“All of us and our people are looking at Jeddahs negotiations and we hope to emerge from this damn war. But I do not agree, and I expect that the negotiations will collapse, return to armistice and prolong the war so that the stakeholders and false democracies can benefit”. She continued

We will continue to refute all lies and misleading media blessings because our homeland is on fire. We will support our people and people and we will not provide any assistance to those who burned the homeland, blessed lies and misled the people. We will remain supportive of our people until this tragic situation is resolved with cohesion, patience and local humanitarian assistance. We stand with the disadvantaged and those who have lost their homes and fines.

For his part, Hamad Ibrahim, a member of the resistance committees, told citizens that the meetings of the ``Civil Front to Stop War``, which were held in most capitals of the region surrounding the Sudan and ended with a preparatory conference in Addis Ababa, were not new.

What had happened was the reproduction and restoration of the Framework Agreement, namely the ``inflatable spirit``, which had been rejected by the Sudanese people and their living forces from resistance committees and revolutionary organizations. Ibrahim assures citizens: Now he is re-marketed again from the same elite who have managed to fail and distrust her people and his creativity and move away from the slogans and objectives of the revolution echoed by the people, including ``the military of barracks and Janjaweed dissolves`` as a basic revolutionary demand and slogan demanded by the masses of the glorious December revolution. Ibrahim told citizens that this elite ``rude`` worked to equate the family rapid support militia with a military institution and shrugged with its corrupt leaders and war criminals. Instead of holding them accountable after their isolation, they want to be returned again, as evidenced by Addis Ababas meetings, final statements and pre-prepared papers.

For its part, the Sudanese Communist Party said that the call for the unity of civil forces and the formation of the broad public front will not succeed unless we stand on our past experiences and criticize them and take advantage of their pros and cons _ and will not succeed unless there is a complete break with the path, approaches and policies of periods of national rule and the paradox of dependence that inherited poverty, underdevelopment, hunger, ignity and wars.

The Communist added in a statement: As external pressures increase and despite their recklessness, the need for the broadest alliance of genuine mass stakeholders and change makers at home to stop the war remains crucial. External pressure remains a catalyst and not a substitute for the struggle from within to stop war, sustain peace, establish democratic civilian governance and achieve sustainable peace and development.

The Communist asserts: ``The Alliance of Living Forces is represented in the national political force, resistance committees, trade unions, forces of radical change and its louder voice by stopping the war is the guarantee not to repeat the compromise and partnership with the military that led to the 25 October coup d état and the war now under way, which threatens to divide the country again. As the struggle continues and escalates internally to stop the war, the objectives of the glorious December Revolution must be upheld and eradicated by the parties to the war. The restoration of the public-led transition period, which brought down the regimes head and some of its collaborators.

The Sudanese Communist Party called on the masses of the people and forces of change, such as resistance committees, professional committees, all workers and all political forces rejecting the war, not to settle participation, to unite ranks, engage in anti-war work and act to stop the war as a duty to provide and pressure both sides.

He called on the international and regional community to exert greater pressure and effort to stop the war, stop external interventions in internal affairs and support the Sudanese peoples choices and aspirations to build their democratic civilian authority.

The Civil Front for Cessation of War and Restoration of Democratic Path had concluded its preparatory meeting on 25 October in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, and the Front, along with FFC, had included a number of political forces, civil forces, resistance committees and personalities. The Meeting selected D Abdalla Hamdok for the chairmanship of the coordinating committee entrusted with preparing for the convening of the General Conference of Civil Forces in the coming weeks.

The preparatory meeting for the Civil Democratic Forces in Addis Ababa was welcomed in regional and international circles.

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