journalist Halima Idris

Reporters without borders demanding identification of the murderers of Halima Idris

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) demanded that Sudanese authorities identify those responsible for the killing of journalist Halima Idris. In a statement issued today, RSF said that an investigation had not been opened since the journalist was killed on October 10 as a result of her running over a RSF vehicle.

"Halima Idris Salim performed her duties as a journalist in a professional and independent manner, depriving Sudanese citizens of an important source of access to the right to independent coverage. There is a need for a thorough investigation into the circumstances of the incident, in particular the way in which the RSF vehicle that it ran over immediately escaped from the scene. We call on the Sudanese authorities to do their utmost to ensure that those responsible for her death are identified and brought to justice. We also urge all parties to the conflict to ensure the safety of journalists. " Khaled Drarini, a representative of Reporters without Borders (RSF) in North Africa.

The statement indicated that journalist Halima Idris was covering battles between the regular army and the Omdurman RSF when she was run over by a RSF vehicle and left for dead. It is still difficult to know whether she was deliberately killed, but her colleagues say that her insistence on covering events in the Sudan in an independent manner has disturbed the perpetrators.

According to the organization, a fellow journalist denounced that no investigation had been opened into Salims death and requested anonymity for fear of reprisals. The Sudanese authorities had made no effort to investigate any attacks and violations against journalists. The Sudanese Journalists Union and many other journalists also condemned impunity for violence against media workers.

Reporters without Borders (RSF) said that some 30 Sudanese journalists were currently unable to avoid serious risks in Khartoum, including physical attacks, confiscation of equipment, arbitrary arrests and deliberate air raids on the convoys of known journalists.

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