
US calls for immediate cessation of attacks in El Fasher

The United States was concerned by reports of an imminent large-scale attack by the Sudanese Rapid Support Forces on El Fasher, the capital of Northern Darfur State.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blink said in a statement today that the move would place civilians, including hundreds of thousands of displaced people - many of whom have only recently fled to El Fasher from other areas - at serious risk. In his statement, he added that credible reports indicated that RSF and SAF had not taken the necessary measures to prevent civilian casualties in the residential neighbourhoods of El Fasher.

Washington called on the warring parties to immediately cease further attacks in and around El Fasher to fulfil their obligations under international humanitarian law relating to civilians as reaffirmed in the Jeddah Declaration of Commitment to Protect Civilians in the Sudan of 11 May. She reiterated the call of the Governor of Northern Darfur, Nimr Abd al-Rahman, for the warring parties to allow civilians to move safely to safer areas.

The United States condemned reported violations by the Rapid Support Forces and allied forces in connection with their attack on Nyala, including civilian deaths, arbitrary arrests, detention of medical personnel and looting of health facilities. It called on the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces to take advantage of the recently resumed Jeddah talks to facilitate unhindered humanitarian access and to agree on a ceasefire and other confidence-building measures. Stressing the absence of an acceptable military solution to the conflict, he called for a focus on protecting civilians, providing humanitarian assistance and negotiating an end to the conflict.

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