
Sudan Doctors Committee: 1334 Cholera cases in Gedaref State

The Preliminary Committee of the Sudan Doctors Union announced that cases of cholera in Gedaref State had risen to 1,334.

In a statement today, the committee said that the spread of dengue and cholera in the state of El Gedaref reflects the health situation in the states outside the scope of military operations from the spread of diseases and epidemics in the absence of the governments health role, the lack of early preparedness for epidemics and the rainy season, as well as the absence of safe corridors and the difficulty of rapid humanitarian response.

The commissions field reports reported 15 confirmed dengue infections for yesterday, November 6, bringing the cumulative rate of infection to 2,759 cases, with a positive 85% of suspected cases. A total of 34 deaths from 17 August to date.

The committees follow-up confirmed 24 confirmed cases of cholera for yesterday, November 6, 2023, bringing the cumulative rate of infection since the outbreak began on August 28 to 1,334, as well as recording one death, bringing the cumulative rate to 38 deaths. The number of positive cases is 80%.

The Commissions statement monitored the registration of the highest incidence of cholera among the State localities, followed by the Eastern Tippers.

These figures depict the icebergs head and do not represent the true figures of the disaster, as the early monitoring, epidemiological investigation, epidemiological monitoring and management system is not working as efficiently as required.

Other states such as Al Jazeera, Sennar, Khartoum and Northern State, as well as dengue disease in Al Jazeera State, Sennar, North Kordofan, Kassala, Southern Kordofan, Red Sea, White Nile and Khartoum, and haemorrhagic diets in the north have not been laboratory-confirmed, although the state recorded epidemic of rift valley fever in 2020.

The Preliminary Committee of the Sudan Doctors Union appealed to all patients and suspected cases to report to the nearest hospital or health centre.

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