
The Resistance Committees of Al-Hasahisa Demand the Release of Mohamed Azhari

Al Jazeera - moatinoon

The Resistance Committees of Al-Hasahisa have demanded the release of Mohamed Azhari, one of the volunteers in humanitarian work, who has been detained by the military intelligence for more than ten days.

The committees called on the Sudanese people and its revolutionary forces to shed light on the case of the detainee Mohamed Azhari to either exonerate him or convict him and to refer the matter to the judiciary, and to stop the systematic campaigns against the resistors and volunteers.

The committees stated in a statement yesterday that the relevant authorities must put an end to the farce of the Sudanese armys intelligence and stop the systematic campaigns against volunteers in the humanitarian field.

The military interrogations continue to arrest volunteers and forcibly hide them from their families, placing them in custody where the basics of life are lacking, which contradicts internationally recognized human rights principles.

Meanwhile, the committees confirm, "What the military intelligence of the Sudanese army is doing is nothing but recycling the actions of the Janjaweed militias intelligence in hiding the detainees and preventing visits to them." They wondered whose interest it is to arrest military intelligence volunteers in humanitarian work and continued: "What the army intelligence is doing are the same behaviors that made the Janjaweed militia ostracized by the sons and daughters of our people, who repeatedly demanded its dissolution and disbandment."

The military intelligence of Al-Hasahisa still detains Mohamed Azhari in its cells based on humanitarian and voluntary work.



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