
Save the Citizens Affected by the War Fires

Walid Al-Noor

With the start of negotiations between the armed forces and the Rapid Support Forces in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement confirming that both parties have agreed to open humanitarian corridors in areas under their control to facilitate the delivery of food supplies to those affected by the war in Khartoum, Kordofan, and Darfur through the United Nations mission. Despite the positive statement, it unfortunately mentioned that a ceasefire has not been reached, and without it, relief teams cannot reach the affected.

Khartoum is considered the most affected state by the war since the first shots were fired there. However, some families have not left despite the harsh living conditions due to the lack of drinking water and electricity, obtained through primitive means. They charge their phones using solar power and buy their daily necessities from limited and dangerous markets.

Strangely, most of the residents have adapted to the war, and the sounds of gunfire and intense shelling no longer terrify them. In the past seven months, they have not received any humanitarian aid, relying on social media for news.

Among the agreement terms is the cessation of media escalation. Some official media outlets have turned into propaganda tools for the war, spreading false news. Now, it is crucial for journalists who initially succumbed to the blackmail at the beginning of the war, accused of lacking patriotism, to stand up for conveying the suffering of the affected citizens, call for an end to the war loudly, and not leave room for opportunists who relied on spreading fake news that influenced public opinion, deceived citizens with the promise of an imminent victory, and portrayed the armed forces as heroes more than their enemies. These individuals have been referred to as war instigators, but they are the wood carriers that must be confronted and exposed so that they do not mislead others.

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