
Sudan: 8 thousands crossed into Chad last week over violence

UNHCR expressed deep concern at recent developments in the Sudan as fighting escalated in the Darfur region.

More than 8,000 people have had to cross into neighbouring Chad over the past week alone, UNHCR said in a statement today. That was probably less than the actual number owing to the challenges associated with the registration of new arrivals. It announced its readiness -- together with the Government and field partners -- to arrive at more refugees as the conflict continued in the Sudan.

According to the statement, more than 800 people were reportedly killed by armed groups in Ardamta, West Darfur, an area considered to be less affected by the fighting to date. The region also hosted an IDP camp with more than 100 shelters and extensive looting of UNHCRs relief items.

Continued cases of sexual violence, torture, indiscriminate killing, extortion of civilians and targeting of ethnic groups were reported. Other reports indicate that thousands of internally displaced persons had to flee the camp in El Geneina.

Filippo Grande, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said: "Twenty years ago, the world witnessed the horrendous atrocities and violations of human rights to which the Darfur region was subjected. We fear that the current situation will be on a similar track. Avoiding a catastrophe requires all parties to end the fighting immediately and unconditionally respect the civilian population ".

UNHCR called for a cessation of hostilities and for all parties to respect their responsibilities under international humanitarian law, including allowing civilians to cross safely during their movement in search of safety.

Since April, the conflict in Sudan has displaced more than 4.8 million people within the country, and another 1.2 million have taken refuge in neighbouring countries.

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