
Kamal Al-Jezouli from the press to the podium

Sidiq Mihesi
Sidiq Mihesi

Sedig Mehaisi
I was introduced to the late Kamal al-Jazouli in the 1960s by the late journalist Merghani Hassan Ali. Editor of the new Sudan of the day. Our friendship links interest in revolutionary literature, poetry Modern, short story, novel and theatre. We were both trying to write poetry and loving it in its rhymes, so Kamal swam into its axis while I took the waves to the press, eating a little bit of talent until I got to the ground of writing criticism sometimes and even now.

We were glued to love and affection, like twins that only separated the sleep hour. I go with him to their house in the Pant district of the medical weapons houses, and he goes with me on the holidays to my hometown city. We exchange books and literature magazine for Sohail Idriss, the national culture of Karim and Hussein Marwa and the way to the Mazd Al-Mawdah. In Egypt, Al-Tali ah magazine Al-Khouli and the writer of Ahmad Hamrush and Al-Ahram Al-Ahram Al-Najib Mahfouz, Joseph Idriss, the writings of Louis Awad, Hussein Mensan, Ghali Shukri and Salah issa.

Our cultural mood is enhanced by our embrace of Jili Abdul Rahman and the Crown of Good Secret in "Poems from Sudan", Muhyaddin Faris "in clay and nails" and Vittori in "Songs of Africa" and Muhyaddin Mohammed this great thinker of Nubi "revolution on contemporary Arab thought", which Kamal-Kal repeatedly asked him to live or dead. That was a turning point in our two perspectives on the cause of art, are subjective and synthetic thoughts of emptiness or service to man?

From this door, the door of culture, Kamal al-Jazuli entered the world of journalism, we met for the first time the editors of 1965 at the New Africa News Agency, which was released by the late journalist Omar Karar. With us, Farouk Hamid and Idriss Hassan and Mohamed Ahmed Ageeb, are famous journalists in bringing fresh news.

Kamal al-Jazouli resigned angry, and we left together when the field noted what it meant that there was a new press body behind him a foreign embassy.

I dont know if he joined the Maidan family or not, but what I touched is that Abdelkhalek Mahjoub, the secretary of the Communist Party, saw the Kamal Sha aremgid project and an organic intellectual intellectual prophecy. As long as we went to receive us in his office, he nominated him to continue his university studies in Ukraine.

After moving from Al-Ayam to the new Sudan newspaper in 1966, headed by the late Fazal Bashir and managed by the late Yahya Awad, Kamal came back to edit the weekly "turquoise nurseries" page, which was overseen by journalist Kamal Deborah, who would leave the Sudan for Dubai to join a new job in the municipal magazine. Thus, the page was assigned to Kamal, which transformed it from a page dealing with pure convictions of students at Cairo University to a serious political and literary platform that reflects conflicts within the university and conveys hot debates, between Mounir Saleh Abdelkader, Mohammed Ali, Muhyaddin Faris, and by Allah Haj Yusuf, about modern poetry, traditional poetry and seminars by political parties.

Kamal started renewing the page, attracting poets Abdulaziz Jamal, Idris Awad al-Karim, Sayed Ahmed al-Hardlow, Awad Malik, Mustafa Sanad and Salah Ahmed Ibrahim. He published his first poetry poetry that heralded a new dictionary of vocabulary and images.

We shared Kamal when we budged the "new Sudan" from the right-wing province to the new left-wing box. The trial of martyr Mahmoud Mohammed Taha and our support, Dr. Omar Mohammed Osman, attacked the Khartoum University administration against Prof. Abdullah Al-Tayeb, a supporter of the Charter Front and the Umma Party.

Kamal became part of our group, Yahya al-Awad, Mahmoud Mohamed Madani, Omar Jafar al-Suri. We were accompanied after the end of the newspapers work on Khartoum evenings, a day when the capital had evenings when restaurants overflowed with bourgeoisie cities and middle-class Afghans. Over the rooftops of the "Lido" Hotel we meet the Maidan group, comrades Omar Mustafa al-Makki, Abdelrahman Ahmed, Mirghani Hassan Ali, Maki Abdelkader and Abdullah Obaid, we calculate that these leadership faces of the Communist Party were greatly affected at these meetings. However, I do not know whether we came ready with the seed of the party from "Fraction" in Pant, where Hassan Shamet and Mahjoub Abdel Rahman "Al-Qaim" and Merghani Hassan Ali and the lawyer Ahmed Abdullah Al-Mashawi, or whether this happened at the evening meetings where we were reunified from time to time.

The late recounts that "during the years 1967-1968, I kept moving, like a passionate bee among some of the newspaper institutions, to me, just before I travelled to Kyiv to study the newspaper" Diyah ", alternative to" Maidan ", after it was banned in the punishment of dissolving the Shiite Party and was headed by her late editor, Mustafa Mirot al-Taref. That is when the friendship of a lifetime began between Sadiq Muhaysi and Mahmoud Mohamed Madani, as well as many friends in the press. " Kamel tells of his experiences in the world of journalism (the only incident we have ever believed in Mehisi and my person in its immediate witnesses, purely coincidentally, occurred on a day that invited us, the Thursday of early 1968, a fellow journalist to dinner at his home in Omdurman, on the occasion of his newborn "Sumayat" and on our way to meet the invitation we couldnt have liked However, as soon as we approached the "House of the Saima", we noticed successions of fancy cars with diplomatic traffic plates! And then the biggest surprise in the interior, where extravagant adornments, rough chandeliers, referred the night of our brothers house by day, and dazzling numbers of invitees, most of them journalists, flying around elegantly exhausted tables, brushed with lavish coverings, draped on them, barbed on them! We sat down, resuscitating, to the nearest table, and what our host aired was that, hash us, order us more hospitality, and between amazement and bewilderment we are hardly unbelievable!

Moments, from somewhere, the sounds of music instruments being tuned, speakers being experimented with. We turned, involuntarily, and we saw a band on a podium off the Veranda overlooking the Hush where we sat, a few Ethiopian boys with their shirts, and their distinctive traditional instruments! But, just before we mention the result, an elderly womans voice popped from inside the Veranda:
By the name of The messenger, my mothers daughtersBring the dinner to Terragen"!

I walked through the tables, and many head hair stood in the place! We turned, involuntarily, to the source of the voice, so if the "Ambassador of Hell" himself, with his flesh and grease, and he was surrounded by many creators, men, women and children of different ages, as the chief of the family, he would go on and caress this, and in front of him he had a special table stretched, an eclectic newspaper, and he seemed, obviously, to be the guest of that pleasure!

What happened, after that, was a "black comedy," as our alphabet, believe me and my person, scrambling, among others, without previous agreement, at the exit door! On the street it took us a wave of hysterical laughter when we saw some friends almost going out until they released their legs to react! And we never stopped scavenging that all day of the gathering! But we were surprised, on Saturday morning, as we took the taxi to Khartoum, in the line of the head of the newspaper "Diya", saying as the bomb: "The Ethiopian military attaché has a public relations ceremony to recruit new agents from the press center." Or so! Sadiq, who was so badly offended by that wording, whispered to me that it touched honorable journalists who were all guilty that they had innocently answered an ordinary invitation from a colleague, at dinner, without knowing it was a trap! Immediately upon my arrival at the newspaper, I transmitted this to the late Hassan Al-Tahir Zarouk and told him details of what had happened. Abu Ali said in his distinctive Egyptian accent:

- "Yes, Kamal. Sedig is true, and I assure you that we are happy with the thoughts, but as a violin, our brothers are States that need to understand that the key precautionary value can be wasted in the wording!" The bean dish he invited me to gave him a giggle, for I told him the story of the dismay many had when they learned of a relationship with the party and that he was in it! The next day, the newspaper published a polite mention in the same sense that promised me, so many thoughts were good.

Oh, I think its under your throne. Its only your shadow. Its only your face. Oh, the eggs of his face on the day the faces are bleached and faces prevail. Oh, his foot is proven the day the feet go down. Oh, I write it to you from good people, friends, martyrs, good people and righteous people.

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