
Minawi and Jebril.. Implications of ending neutrality

Report – Mashaer Idriss
Since the Justice, Equality and Liberation Movements declared the Sudan impartial, fought the war and stood with the armed forces against rapid support, a large number of Darfurians have feared civil and tribal war in the territorial states because of these attitudes, while signs of division have begun to emerge in some movements.

On November 16, Arko Minawis Sudan Liberation Movements, Justice and Equality, led by Djibril Ibrahim, announced a departure from neutrality over the war between the army and rapid support and participation in hostilities in defence of civilians. The following day, however, three leaders of the armed movements that signed the Juba Agreement, including Hadi Idriss, Al Taher Hajjar, Hafiz Abdelnabi Hanhil Manawi and Jebril, opposed the army and said that their position did not represent the path of Darfur.

JEM spokesman Hassan Ibrahim Fazal did not rule out a civil or tribal war in Darfur. All possibilities existed in that freedom, especially if the Rapid Support Forces continued to target civilians on an ethnic basis, such as in El Geneina, Zalingei and Nyala. He explained: "But we have entered this war to protect civilians, all civilians without exception, and we will not align with the RSFs attempt to drag the entire country into a full-scale war.

The Peoples Movement "Democratic Revolutionary Movement", led by Yasser Arman, said that the position of the Presidents of Justice and Equality and SLA to participate in the war for the military would escalate conflicts in the Darfur region.

The movements official spokesman, Ahmed Sayyadi, said in a press statement on Sunday that Djibril and Manawi were participants and supporters of the 25 October coup d état, an extension of which was the April 15 war.

Al-Sayadi affirmed the Movements principled and consistent position of condemning all war crimes and various human rights violations committed in this war by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), armed forces and crimes in Western Darfur State, in particular Erdamta and the RSF affiliate.

He described the leaders position "in keeping with the Islamic Movement. Against democracy and against the December Revolution, they are participants and supporters of the 25 October coup d état, of which the 15 April war is an extension. "

"The position of Jibril and Manawi will inflame the war and ethnic conflicts in Darfur, and the Sudanese in Darfur in particular must not buy these depleted goods."

Sayyadi called for the establishment of an international commission to detect all such crimes in Western Darfur and throughout the Sudan and to bring those involved to courts with a capacity for half-victims.

However, events have evolved, with Abdullah Yahya, Deputy Chairman of the Sudan Liberation Forces (SLF) Caucus, one of the main signatories to the Juba Peace Agreement, announcing that the Sudanese army was biased in its fight against rapid support, in contravention of the organizations Chairman Hajar Al-Taher.

The position of the Deputy Chairman of the Sudan Liberation Forces Caucus, who also serves as Minister for Urban Development, Roads and Bridges, comes shortly after the President of the Sovereign Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, released Tahir Hajar from the Sovereign Council, is also an indicator of the division of the movement.

A statement issued by Rassemblement Vice-President Abdallah Yahya said: "We clearly declare that we have not been in a position of neutrality since now towards RSF violations of citizens rights in Darfur and White in Northern Kordofan."

Referring to the systematic attacks committed by the Rapid Support Forces against innocent people in conflict zones, particularly in the Darfur region, he said that the liquidation of Khamis Abkar, the Governor of Western Darfur State and the head of the Sudanese coalition, had been an incident that, according to him, had been condemned.

The statement confirmed the continuing violations in Nyala and Zalingei, as well as the attack on Al-Da ein and the blockade of Al-Fasher and Al-Obeid cities for several weeks, which led to the displacement and hunger of citizens.

Abdallah Yahya called on the RSF to immediately lift its blockade of the cities of El Fasher, Al Da ein and Al Obeid, since the blockade of the cities was one of the forms of encroachment on citizens and violation of their rights.

For his part, the journalist specializing in Shan Darfur, Issei Dafullah, confirmed that the entry into war of some armed struggle movements could lead to a grinding tribal war, if the capital of North Darfor al-Fasher was attacked by rapid support and Arab militias fighting with it. "They are essentially all attacks based on ethnic and tribal targeting, as was the case in El Geneina, Zalingei and Nyala, where symbols of commercial and social tribes and activists were assassinated.

He stated that the people of El Fasher and their tribal components had absorbed the lesson that had taken place in most of Darfurs cities, and had no choice but to defend their symptoms, money and city and withstand aggression (the brutal Janjaweed).

Dafallah foresaw the bias of all movements, even those that did not sign, and the regularity of all the zones of rapid support and Janjaweed in one front against them from all of Darfurs social components.

He considered it to be a long battle that could last for years and the battle would turn entirely into Darfur, and added, "The Rapid Support Command seems to know that, so it hasnt attacked El Fasher yet."

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