
Mbeki urges Sudanese war parties to negotiate

Follow-up - Moatinoon
Former President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa urged the parties to speed in the Sudan to an immediate ceasefire and a negotiated end to the war.

Mbeki told the three-day Sudan Humanitarian Crisis Conference in Cairo that the Sudanese Armed Forces, Rapid Support Forces and civilian formations must deal with the challenge of putting the Sudanese people first and seeking a negotiated end to this needless war.

He called for a stronger humanitarian and political response to the Sudan crisis, more funding for the Sudans humanitarian response and a more direct role for the East African Commission (Gida) in the peace talks.

According to Sudan War Monitor Observatory, "Sudan is no stranger to humanitarian crises. Indeed, its recent history has been interspersed with periods of drought, famine and famine resulting from war. But we have never seen a crisis of this magnitude. The African and international response to this disaster has been totally inadequate. "

Mbeki participated in the Cairo conference, via a recorded video and written statement.

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