
EU: Sudan Faces Further Militarization and Division

The European Union and its member States reiterated their strong condemnation of the ongoing fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and their militias.

In a statement issued today, the High Representative of the European Union, Josep Borrell, said that the Sudan was facing further division and militarization, endangering its territorial integrity and national sovereignty. He appealed to all parties to cease hostilities and immediately end hostilities without preconditions.

The European Union deplored the dramatic escalation of violence and the irreparable cost of human life in Darfur and throughout the country, as well as violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. He held the warring parties responsible for protecting civilians, including women and children.

He expressed concern at reports of mass violence against civilians and ethnic cleansing as well as sexual and gender-based violence, including abductions and detention in slave-like conditions, as well as serious violations and abuses of human rights, including childrens rights.

The Federations statement noted the paramount importance of holding all perpetrators accountable and would spare no effort with international partners to monitor and document human rights violations and abuses. He stressed the vital importance of the mandate of the independent expert appointed in the Sudan as well as the Human Rights Councils independent international fact-finding mission on human rights violations and abuses in the country.

The European Union regretted the Sudans request to terminate the mandate of UNMIS and called on the Sudan to continue its cooperation with the United Nations. He welcomed the appointment by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ramtan Lamamra, as the Sudans Personal Envoy, and reiterated his support for the efforts of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur in relation to the current hostilities

The High Representatives statement referred to the adoption by the Union of its new system of restrictive measures aimed at discouraging individuals and entities from engaging in activities threatening peace, security and stability in the Sudan and at impeding the rapid resumption of democratic political transition in the country. Specifically, this includes the possibility of identifying those involved in planning, directing or committing acts in the Sudan that constitute serious violations or abuses of human rights or violations of international humanitarian law, as well as those who obstruct the delivery or access of humanitarian assistance, including attacks on health and humanitarian workers.

The European Union welcomed the strong and concerted efforts of dialogue and mediation to end the current conflict and facilitate a return to democracy, with the participation of civilian actors.

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