
IGAD prepares, as a damaging platform, to hijack the decision to stop the war and the political process..!

Abdullah Rizk Abusimaza
Although General Abdul Fatah al-Burhan, Chairman of the Transitional Gentlemens Council, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, reportedly rejected FFCs request to meet him, in order to "put forward a road map proposal to end the war", according to a statement from a sovereign source, or to "open the way for a collective address on the countrys issues, through a peaceful political path", arguing.

According to the following days newspaper, at a time when calls for consolidation of initiatives and platforms are on the rise, Burhan is seemingly busy building a parallel platform, a damaging platform, with the assistance of IGAD, inspired by his tour of the Territory, after emerging from the leadership blockade, and in particular, after meeting with the Kenyan President, William Ruto, in Nairobi. The two agreed on the need to convene an emergency summit of the heads of the Government Authority for Development (IGAD), as part of the ceasefire efforts in the Sudan, and to establish a framework for "an inclusive Sudanese dialogue that does not exclude anyone", according to the Sudanese Sovereignty Council. Attention should be paid to the thesis "An inclusive Sudanese dialogue that does not exclude anyone", the keynote and detailed individual, in the movement of regional proof and the media loyal to him, which did not include the Kenyan presidencys statement on the visit. The Kenyan President made a telephone call to General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo in this regard. The IGAD initiative includes a meeting of Hemedti and Proof with the Organizations heads of State.

Later, as part of his regional tour, Burhan met with the Executive Secretary of IGAD, Dr. In Djibouti, Kobehu and I shared the agreement to convene an emergency summit of IGAD chiefs to "develop a clear road map to end the crisis in the Sudan". However, Secretary IGADs tweet, in the X-platform, after meeting Burhan, did not contain any reference to "Sudanese dialogue that does not exclude anyone." However, some news sites, including the Sudan News Agency, SUNA, included in their experience his reference to what they called an "inclusive political process". Suna ignored the suggestion that its source was to inform the sovereign Council!

Similar to a pre-emption process for the Jeddah Platform and a hijacking of the cessation of war and the political process, the IGAD summit, to be held in Djibouti in early December, will -- according to some journalists affiliated with Camp Burhan -- issue a resolution containing "a ceasefire covering all areas of the conflict in the Sudan, the evacuation of civilian facilities, the removal of army and rapid support, and a political process involving all.

In launching his settlement project, Al-Burhan appears to be racing with the Alliance of Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC), which, in turn, has been active for some time in circling around the same regional axis, for almost the same purpose, a political process involving all, "except the solved National Congress and its faces". However, Burhans manoeuvre - largely dependent on the choice of Islamists, in the "BL-BAS" and "Yakmluna Yakmluna!" - Insisting on "reclaiming" the forces of the graved regime as part of the settlement efforts, it reveals a tactical stance, aimed at obstructing the political process, once again, and prolonging the crisis in the country, by maintaining the situation.

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