
UNITAMS... Account inventory

Khaled Masa
The debate on the survival or termination of the operations of UNMIS, "UNITAMS", does not bear the nature of the frenzy, convulsion and alignment of the parties to the positions on UNMIS, divided between supporters and opponents of the Security Council resolution at its last meeting on the termination of the Missions mandate in the Sudan. while retaining the right of the parties to form their own vision and to assess the missions survival or departure requirements only with submission "Reasoning" supports these attitudes away from generalization and mixing papers that do not at least serve the positive assessment of the experience UNITAMS is from us as Sudanese, who did not analyze in previous experiences of UN missions in Sudan. All of the discussions were confined to the narrow horizon that leads the Sudanese landscape for greater congestion and auction.

We do not believe that it would be helpful for the assessment discussions to go to the fallacies to ignore the public awareness that the will that brought the UNITAMS mission to the Sudan is a personal and unilateral will of the transitional Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamdok. Because this belief is not true first and misjudges the will of the international organization "the United Nations" itself and the decision-making mechanisms of this kind in one of its most powerful organs "the Security Council" secondly.

The Integrated United Nations Transition Support Mission (UNIKOM) came up with a Security Council resolution (2579/2021) mandating tasks provided for in the resolution that did not exceed the limits of assisting in political transition, progress towards democratic governance, the protection of human rights and sustainable peace, which the Transitional Government agreed and welcomed with its full structure at the time.

The evaluation must include the tasks mentioned in the mandate from the above-mentioned resolution until the adoption of resolution 2715/2023 on December 3, which terminated the Missions mandate.

UNITAMS initiated political consultations in January 2022 leading to a smooth democratic transformation in Sudan and encompassing all constituent forces for the transition period. Here, we believe that the Mission has not found the right climate to accomplish this mandate because of the acute polarization of the public landscape, created by the resolutions of 25 October 2021 and the Missions position on these resolutions, which the Head of Mission/Volker Berts described as a coup d état. This position is a major turning point in the assessment of the 25 October authority for the performance of UNMIS and its head in the Sudan.

The agreement of 21 November 2021, signed by the unilaterally isolated Prime Minister, Abdalla Hamdok, was a manifestation that creates great confusion for anyone or person coming from the Sudanese political throes that are used to this kind of volatility. Nevertheless, the Mission blessed the little-held agreement to collapse with the resignation of Abdalla Hamdok so that the Mission could re-sensitize its authentic mandate to restore the route of transition through what has been called the triple machinery (UNITAMS/AU/IGAD).

Volker Peretz was not accurate in describing the political process whose framework agreement was signed on December 5, 2022, when he briefed the Security Council on the eighth of the month, when he said that he was assured of his missions sponsored process and would lead it to accomplish its mandate. Simply because the "political process" had created a sharp divide in the political landscape and had been insisted upon in its form between those involved in it and those components on which it had made observations or rejected them in whole and in detail. At the same time, it is undeniable that the parties to the April War were an integral part of what was signed on December 5 and what was agreed in the political process workshops.

This lack of completeness can be overturned by the Missions mandate to support peace operations. Although UNITAMS efforts contributed to the signing of the Juba Peace Agreement and to the consideration of an important and significant breakthrough in this file, the signing without including parties inherently involved in the cause of war in the Sudan constituted a significant and significant shortfall if we were to assess the Missions performance in this mandate.

The climate created by the April War is not to think that it creates the environment for such political missions. s presence and demand for its change and composition to the Commission chaired by a member of the Sovereign Council to determine the nature of the engagement with the Mission, Although it ensured that a number of tasks were pursued with UNMIS, the decision by the Sudanese delegates at the Councils meeting a week later was to terminate the mandate.

The resolution (2715/2023) was adopted as a victory for Sudanese diplomacy. We believe that it is an abbreviation of the comprehensive assessment of the salaries of the Security Council after the adoption of this resolution. Perhaps it was directed by measures relating to the Sudanese situation that need to be dealt with and studied away from a celebratory ritual.

The resolution was adopted by 14 out of 15 votes, following Russias abstention, and must be read with a mind that understands the mechanisms of the United Nations and the intersections of international policy and their relationship with what is happening in the Sudan. Reflecting on or waving the transition of the Sudanese situation from the mandate of United Nations missions with "political" functions to item VI of the mandate of United Nations missions with "military" functions to item VII would be a flowing path, which would in the same way disrupt the handling of United Nations resolutions that are not "financially ready" for this kind of option in a flaming world.

The description in the Sudan Missions United Nations address to the Security Council of the performance of UNITAMS as a "disappointing" performance that should have been supported by merits that assisted the Missions governing authority in carrying out its functions against the various obstacles placed before it.

The statement by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, in response to a question on whether the decision to terminate the Missions mandate would be considered a failure of the United Nations to "What is happening in the Sudan is a mistake that has exceeded the interests of its people for a purely power struggle" He is responsible for the Sudanese people throughout the months of the war.

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