
The 16 Days Campaign Against Gender-Based Violence: Who will Save Sudanese Women?

By Thanaa Abdeen

The 16 Days campaign against gender-based violence, taking place worldwide, began on November 25th. This year, the campaign coincides with Sudan experiencing its worst war in history, with the most significant impact falling on women who have endured rape, harassment, assault, violence, and displacement.

Reports from United Nations organizations indicate a 50% increase in reported cases of sexual assault. Moreover, there are 260,000 pregnant women, including 100,000 expected to give birth within the next three months, lacking essential health services, particularly access to hospitals.

The Security Council affirms that sexual violence and gender-based violence remain characteristics of conflicts globally, potentially violating human rights and international humanitarian law. Sudan is no exception, especially in Darfur, where women and girls are subjected to horrifying acts of sexual violence and gender-based violence. Reports highlight these acts as a tactic of war to instill fear and assert control over local communities.

Independent experts appointed by the Human Rights Council to investigate human rights violations in Sudan confirm the use of gender-based violence as a tool of war to subjugate, terrorize, break, and punish women and girls. They reveal cases of rape, sexual exploitation, slavery, and report instances of forced prostitution and displacement of women and girls.

Areas unaffected by the war witnessed intensive activities during the 16 Days campaign. Feminist and human rights entities organized various events to raise awareness about this critical issue. Hanan Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed, the Secretary-General of the Network for Promoting Equality in Kassala State, states: "Confronting gender-based violence and the impact of wars on women in Sudan is a vital issue that requires international and local attention. The 16 Days campaign against gender-based violence serves as an opportunity to shed light on this urgent matter."

She adds, "The ongoing conflict in Sudan exacerbates the conditions faced by women, subjecting them to physical and psychological violence and appalling rights violations. The international community must unite to support efforts aimed at protecting womens rights, combating sexual violence and exploitation, and providing psychological and social support to affected women. Additionally, efforts should focus on enhancing security and providing economic opportunities."

Hanan emphasizes that the campaign is an opportunity to educate society about the dangers of this type of violence and work towards changing social behaviors. She stresses that this event should serve as a platform for updating laws and policies to improve the protection of womens rights in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.

Hanan also underscores the need for international collaboration and cooperation with the Sudanese government to make progress in combating gender-based violence and mitigating the impact of wars on women.

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