
Beyond the termination of the UNITAMS mission

Report – Mashaer Idris
The United Nations Security Councils decision to end the work of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) provoked wide reactions at the local level, especially as the war was approaching its ninth month and there seemed to be no hope of deciding the battle for either party in the near future, while some politicians considered that the resolution might open the door to entering the country under item 7 if the war continued.

The UN Security Council on Friday terminated the mandate of the United Nations Transition Support Mission in the Sudan (UNITAMS), with effect from December 3, by a vote of 14 of its members, with Russia abstaining.

The members approved the draft resolution submitted by Britain, which carried 2715, after extensive deliberations lasting days involving the Sudanese Mission and permanent and non-permanent members, on the basis of the Sudanese Governments request on 16 November to immediately terminate the Missions tasks.

By the resolution, UNMIS will suspend operations in the Sudan from December 4, with the Missions functions to be transferred to United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, and complete the same task by February 29, 2024, to begin liquidation procedures for UNMIS early in March next year.

The resolution called on the relevant Sudanese parties to cooperate fully with the United Nations during the transition and liquidation of UNITAMS.

The Secretary-General of the United Federal National Party, Mohamed Al-Hadi Mahmoud, did not rule out that item VII should be among the resolutions of the UN Security Council in the coming period as the war, killing and destruction of the Sudans homeland continued.

In the event of war and humanitarian catastrophe against citizens, we expect, as happened under the previous regimes Foreign Minister, who requested the termination of the United Nations mission. Despite the termination of the mission in compliance with the previous regimes request, the Darfur region was placed under item VII and sent at least 35 thousand soldiers, the number of al-Bashirs statements that the subsoil is better for us than the face of it, al-Hadi said. "We regret that the world and the United Nations Organization are now responsible for global peace and security and the protection of citizens." s State, so the world will not look ahead to greater decisions.

He stressed that the International Peace Mission came up with a letter from the revolutionary Prime Minister, Abdullahi Hamdok, with the four objectives of helping to transform the democratic transition, assisting the transitional government and completing peace by introducing the non-signatory peace movements of the Sudan Liberation Movements led by Abdulwahid Nur, the peoples movement led by AbdulAzaziz al-Hilo in the Juba peace Agreement uba.

Al-Hadi said that MONUC had faced a significant reversal from the military component since its arrival, and its perception of the remnants of the former regime, adding, "So it worked in very difficult and harsh conditions." "Unfortunately, the Deep State has been behind the breakdown of everything that can help and drive forward the transitional government, causing none of the revolutions objectives to be achieved in peace and justice and alleviating economic distress until we reach this stage."

He referred to the accreditation of the Emamra Envoy, a qualified diplomat, as Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, before the termination of the Missions work to fill the vacuum expected of the termination of the international peace mission.

The Missions work had been hampered by the authority of the de facto Government, so the United Nations had seen to deal with United Nations objects and organizations such as the appointment of a special envoy of the Secretary-General, who in turn reported to the Secretary-General and the Security Council together.

For his part, Freedom and Change Forces Commander Shahab al-Tayeb said that the missions role had been reduced after the war, although it was a political mission in nature. "It could have enjoyed extending its mission to any political process after the cessation of the war, but it is a bad decision in any case."

The United Nations must stand with the Sudanese people at that time, and the United Nations must work with the actors and States in the region to put an end to such poor conditions. The international community and the United Nations called for an end to the Sudans state of war and instability.

The United Nations spokesman, Stefan Dujarric, confirmed that the United Nations had received a letter from the Government of the Sudan "announcing the Governments decision to terminate UNITA immediately".

Dujarric said that the Sudanese Government "has also declared its commitment to engage constructively with the Security Council and the United Nations Secretariat on a new agreed formula."

UNITAMS was founded in 2020 at the request of the then Prime Minister of the Transitional Government, Abdalla Hamdok, in accordance with item VI, with the aim of assisting the Sudans democratic transition, achieving peace and assisting development.

After the 25 October 2021 coup d état carried out by the military in the Sovereign Council against the government of Abdallah Hamdok, the missions counter-campaign expanded and was accused of contravening the mandate and attention to political issues.

Supporters of the former regime staged protests demanding the expulsion and termination of the Missions mandate, and the President of the Sovereign Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, waved off its President, Volker Berts, unless he committed himself to the mandate.

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