
What it means to terminate UNITAMS mandate in the Sudan

Yousef Hamad
On Sunday, the mission of UNMIS, known as UNITA, ended. The mission ended with a United Nations Security Council resolution on which 14 Member States voted. The Sudan will thus enter into a new phase of international policy relations.

In fact, UNITAMS did not complete the task of supporting the transition for which it came, but the situation worsened in its hands and ended in a large-scale, absurd war, but before the war the 25 October coup government led by Abdel Fattah al-Burhan sought to decide the missions existence since its coup against Dr. Abdalla Hamdoks transitional government.

Apart from the Dilpomasi action and the medias active incitement propaganda, the Government of the coup d état mobilized on the streets of Khartoum and UNMIK headquarters and, on a number of occasions, its crowds denouncing the work of UNMIK, with allegations of safeguarding national sovereignty, perhaps the most recent of which was a small photographed forum in which a coup d état enthinker announced his readiness to kill, Volker Britz.

At the end of the frantic quest, the Government of the coup d état requested the Security Council to end the presence of UNMIS on Sudanese soil, based on the "futility of its continuation"; because its mission was related to the transition period ".

Politically, the UNITAMS mission was designed to support the transition that followed the overthrow of Omar al-Bashirs dictatorship and the Muslim Brotherhood regime, and arrived in Sudan at the request of the transitional government headed by Hamdok, ousted by the army chief, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and his ally, the commander of the Rapid Support Forces, Moh.

The Mission participated in a "political process that ends the coup d état and restores the democratic civilian path", and developed with other partners (framework political agreement); The war ended and prevented it from being completed.

Indeed, the Government of coup d état was deeply disturbed by the presence of MINURSO, given its reports of grave violations against peaceful anti-coup civilians and revolutionaries, and the political mood leading the Government of the coup d état was the same as that of the rescue regime (1989-2019) hostile to the presence of international organizations.

The missions mission ended on the ground with the Algerian diplomat taking over as the envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Here it does not seem that happiness will visit the leaders of the coup d état and the old guard of the Muslim Brotherhood who are hateful of the work of the mission UNAMSIL will continue to monitor the situation and oversee the Missions functions distributed to United Nations agencies, Consequently, periodic reports are written to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Security Council.

In a more serious analysis, the alternative for UNITAMS might be to enter the seventh line of the United Nations system, which allows for intervention through United Nations forces to protect civilians, especially in the light of the war that has been raging widely since last April.

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