
Opening schools and revealing the cover

Yousif Siraj
The decision to open schools in the River Nile State but not in the other states of the Sudan has caused widespread controversy since its announcement and after its entry into force. As they argue, the flaws have arisen after families of pupils deplored the hasty resumption of schooling amid complex conditions and an environment unfavourable to academic achievement, with scarce and lack of the necessary appointments to proceed with the educational process.

The steps were based on the abject shortage of books and teachers, as well as the absence of classrooms to accommodate students in the third grade, following the approval of a return to the old educational ladder (three phases), and the unthinkable aspects of the resolution are reflected in the disinterest or indifference of decision-makers to this category of students as curricula and courses for the level of education they have attained are not prepared to qualify for the secondary level. This is far from a qualitative shortage of basic subjects teachers such as mathematics, English and some other subjects.

The issue of teachers financial entitlements has also not been radically resolved, affecting teachers performance and stability in the current circumstances. Also, some schools in cities such as Atbara continue to use a role to house displaced persons from war in the capital Khartoum, which the state fails to provide them with the necessary alternatives and aid.

The data made clearly indicate that the decision to open schools in Nile River State on an exceptional basis is more political than realistic. Logically, success, stability and attainment will not be possible without a radical and comprehensive solution to the macroeconomic crisis, which remains one of the countrys greatest losses as a result of this absurd war, nor will it make sense to find solutions in isolation from reaching the end of the crisis by stopping the war and thereby entering a new and different phase entitled. Reconstruction, reconstruction and compensation for the ruins of the 15 April War.

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