
FFC... From the coup crisis to the use of coups d état

Abdullah Rizk Abu Simaza
In a statement, FFC denied the authenticity of news reported by the newspaper "The Next Day", which it described as false, "that the leaders of Freedom and Change communicated with the commander of the armed forces, seeking immunity to return to the Sudan and meet him". While stressing the denial of the request for "immunity", the press release ignored the reference to the "counterpart" request for a "road map proposal to end the war", as quoted by the sovereign, and did not deny or confirm it.

The statement, however, indirectly established the fact of the second application, revealing that the Committee for Liaison and External Relations, with the Forces for Freedom and Change, had sent "By letters of both the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and the Commander-in-Chief of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), for the continuation of its uninterrupted engagement with the parties, with a view to accelerating the ceasefire to address the humanitarian catastrophe and opening the way to address our countrys issues collectively through a peaceful political path."

Since moving its centre of activity abroad, FFC has made a break with the interior, with the political street in all its components and struggling traditions. In return, FFC must rely entirely on diplomatic and political superior action and the associated tendency to compromise and compromise, as evidenced by the outcome of its activities, since its leadership left the country, and has placed itself on regional and international levels. It thus replicates the experience of the NDA, and its slide into the "sands of moving international politics."

It would seem consistent, in the light of this principled choice, to look to the centrality of FFC to meet with General Al-Burhan, as a culmination of its activity aimed at restoring a "civilian-led democratic transition path", following reports of a meeting between D. Abdullah Hamdok, head of the coordination of the democratic civilian forces, presents, of which the Forces for Freedom and Change are part, with Burhans deputy, General Shams Kabashi, in the UAE, which arrived last week, on an unannounced visit. The meeting, which took place in Al Ain, was preceded by a lengthy telephone interview between the two, according to the news. Neither the content of the telephone call was disclosed nor what took place in the direct meeting between them.

However, this tendency to communicate with the coup component, on the pretext of overcoming the coup d état and its repercussions, is not without reluctance on the approach of the December Revolution, disregarding the data produced by the coup d état of 25 October 2021 and the new political reality it produced.

The centrality of freedom and change went to ask for a meeting of proof to reflect on "Opening the way to address our countrys issues collectively through a peaceful political path." Dedicating the coup component to the political process, under formation, to the dismantling of the coup crisis and the peak of its repercussions in the 15 April crisis, and making the horizon of the political process, referred to, is the restoration of partnership between the two components, civilian and military, and the sustainability of the apostasy approach. It is the line on which the international quartet (the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia) has been operating since the beginning of the crisis and its trilateral legacy, led by the United Nations Mission.

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