
Sudan.. Important political efforts to resolve but awaited by many

Yousef Hamad
The coordination of the civilian democratic forces, continues its political activity to stop the war in the Sudan and "restore the democratic path". After several deliberations, it pre-empted the General Conference, which it plans to hold within weeks, and announced a "Roadmap for a Political Solution" to coincide with an expected ceasefire agreement between the parties to the war, the army and the Rapid Support Forces.

What is clear from the outset is that the political solution and the road map announced by Progress, the secretariat of the countrys newest political alliance, first depend on the success of the negotiations held in the Saudi city of Jeddah between the parties. We have seen this in the diplomatic visits by FFC to Sudans neighbouring States and its regional and international surroundings, as well as other meetings with representatives of the European Union, the African Union and IGAD to explain this and its possible occurrence.

The road map explicitly stated a declaration of principles ending the war and establishing democratic civil governance through negotiated political solutions between the armed forces, RSF and civil and political forces, with the exception of the National Convention, the Islamic Movement and the fronts of the Muslim Brotherhood, and also endorsed "the drafting of an agreed transitional constitution and the formation of transitional civilian authority and military institutions under it".

This political path proposed by (progress) is usually interpreted in some respects as "Political settlement project" with army commanders and RSF leadership on the ground ", a course widely rejected by political forces who consider themselves to be present on the ground, It will not find the political basis necessary to enforce it, given the grave mistakes committed by the two belligerents since their coup d état on 25 October 2021 to date. If adopted, this path could mean slowing the armys return to barracks and wasting the desired justice. Above all, the military and RSF commanders were rewarded for undermining the constitutional order by the 25 October coup d état, killing peaceful anti-coup protesters (more than 150 young men and women) and sparking the ongoing war, which was accompanied by a heinous one of the worst crimes against humanity, and then keeping them political partners with impunity.

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