
Civil Front Roadmap.. A step towards ending the war

Abdulrahman Al-Aajib
At the end of October, the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa witnessed a meeting of the Civil Front to stop the war. The meeting succeeded in choosing the name "Progress", which means the coordination of civilian democratic forces. Dr. Abdullah Hamdok was selected as Chairman of the Coordination Leadership Committee.

As the devastating April war entered its eighth month, the pace of violence and military battles between the army and the Rapid Support Forces rose in a number of states of the Sudan, while the belligerents say (No vote above battle) Civilian forces continued to work to stop the war, and almost two weeks ago FFC announced a road map for both sides of the fighting - the army and quick support - to stop the war, which included a direct meeting with military commanders to discuss the details, as proposed by bringing them together in a live encounter.

At the end of November, I announced the coordination of the civilian democratic forces. To authorize a road map aimed at stopping the war in the Sudan and establishing a sustainable democratic transition. The road map proposed a declaration of principles that would end the war and establish democratic civil governance through a negotiated political solution to be signed by the armed forces, RSF and all civilian forces except the dissolved National Congress Party, the Islamic Movement and its facades, as a binding basis for the political process.

The road map announced (Progress) emphasized the convening of a consultative meeting under the auspices of the regional and international facilitators, comprising the army, rapid support and civilian forces to design a comprehensive political process to resolve the conflict and to define the role of mediators, parties, guarantors, guarantors and facilitators based on the road map and the Declaration of Principles for a negotiated political solution.

The map stressed that the Sudans comprehensive crisis should be negotiated in order to propose effective solutions that would respond to key questions in order to bring about the unity of the Sudan, democratic civil government and the one national professional army that would disassociate itself from politics and the economy, dismantle the 30 June 1989 system, achieve justice, impunity, redress and reconstruction.

The map added that it was essential to reform the security and military system in accordance with internationally agreed standards. Such operations should lead to the arrival of one national professional army in accordance with the Constitution to put a definitive end to the phenomenon of multiple armies outside the framework of one national professional army while ensuring that the security system, the security and rapid support apparatus and the police emerged from political and economic activity and accepted the principles of security and military reform.

The road map underscored the need for this political process to conclude with the drafting of an agreed transitional constitution based on the final political agreement, the formation of transitional constituent civil power institutions and military institutions subject to them and the implementation of what has been agreed upon in accordance with specific mechanisms and time frames, and noted the adoption of basic principles for the process of making the permanent constitution through a comprehensive Sudanese social contract.

The map emphasized the adoption of federal governance and the recognition of the inherent right of all Sudanese regions and regions to manage their political, economic and cultural affairs at the local level at all levels of government, reflecting diversity and diversity.

For some, the foundations and principles of ending the war and establishing the Sudanese State must be shared by all, and for this political process to be Sudanese-identity, it is necessary for all to work hand in hand to achieve a cessation of the war and a final settlement that ends this dark chapter and restores the path towards freedom, peace and justice for all.

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