
Investment in the April War

Khaled Masa
The scenes we will mention will lead us to agree that the war in the Sudan can only be viewed in terms of "absolute evil" and that those who justify its continuation will need more than poorly crafted beauty powders in order for their views to stand before the courts of history that will face them with the ugly face of the war.

Darfur.. Darfur, which has not silenced its bullets for two decades, has not stopped bloodshed from its vein for years. In the name of the war, it has become a big screen for the world to see the latest horror cinema on ethnic cleansing and the highest ranks of violations of humanity. The events have always been a witness to the fall of the national and international conscience in the test of adherence to standards and treaties that urge the value of human life and dignity.

Very complex humanitarian conditions in the "displacement" camps imposed by The first Darfur "Mother of Kwakia" made the April war a high level of "Well-being" compared to the conditions of "asylum" from "displacement" camps in Mashhad exemplifies the exterior trade of "Ramadan" to "fire", which confirms that "peace" in Darfur has always been and in all its rounds that have floated the capitals of the region and the world has been only the "tactic" of mankind in power strategies.

The April War, which now reaps lives, cannot be characterized as a "cheap" investment in "hate speech" shares in the stock exchange and the auction of the assets and people of the Sudan.

Pro- April War now does not consider the costs paid by the Sudanese people and it does not exceed their limits that it is merely a collateral loss in return for the gains of dredging civil and political life from its values and principles. It therefore seems clear that the national civil reclamation is subjected to extortion in order to surrender the value for which the martyrs of freedom, peace and justice were paid.

The most sedentary scene of the April War is not in particular the relaxation of the lives of the Sudanese people and the reduction of material and moral loss and serious harm inflicted on every Sudanese house, but in the view of the feelings produced by these conditions as capital that may be invested in the service of political purposes and illnesses.

A scene performed by "war dealers" with great diligence on the stage of the April War demanding that the victims themselves applaud the flames of war that eat their bodies and hopes.

The April War is an investment in "acoustic phenomena" and the merchandise of attitudes adulterated by the slightening in national fatigue in favor of the companies and partnerships of apostasy to what we were before the revolution of consciousness and change.

The merchants of the April War, investing in them, wish to keep the Sudanese people bound by the regional, tribal and hatred pegs that the glorious winds of December spread.

The "logistical" rhetoric of the April War is the dumping of public space with corrupt goods on which the world stamped its agreements, laws and moral obligations with an expiry ring and said that hatred is a commodity that is not interchangeable in the age of rights and has increased as a crime for which the law must be held accountable.

The sabotage of the Sudanese State as a result of the past months war goes far beyond the figures in the estimates of Mr. Djibril Ibrahim, Minister of Finance, because they are "discretionary" figures and are not based on real statistical jurisprudence, including the most important resource in the engines and determinants of building the national economy.

Figures that did not stand in the corner of a proper vision to see the investment indicators in the Sudan after the seven lean years of the absurd war ate the transplant and the uterus and kept green only and came upon it and opened the appetite of foreign investors to enter with their capital to whitewash and wash them in the blood of the Sudanese people.

The current circumstance of war makes it imperative for civilian forces who believe in change and stopping the sequence of wars in the Sudan to spare no effort to fight consciousness, enlightenment and failure to respond to provocative rhetoric, glacier mills and strips because it creates fights that prolong and do not end the war.

It is prolonged and the factor of time is the essence of the investment of warmongers because it takes solutions out of the hands of the Sudanese parties into the hands of many investors who are very interested in redrawing the Sudanese State according to interests and agendas.

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