
Will El Fasher be a Battlefield for Movements and Rapid Support Forces?

Mashaer Idris

Rumors or expectations of an attack on Northern Darfur by the Rapid Support Forces have persisted from time to time. This has led armed resistance movements to declare their non-neutrality in case of such an attack. They have also mobilized large forces across the state in preparation to defend citizens and their properties. Despite some leaders of armed movements dismissing the possibility of an attack at the moment and considering it mere media noise, the situation in the state remains tense.

The Joint Force affiliated with the armed movements that signed the Juba Peace Agreement announced on Saturday the deployment of its forces to Northern Darfur in preparation to respond to any violations targeting civilians. Prominent leaders in the Joint Force received large numbers of fighters arriving from Libya in the town of "Um Marahik" north of El Fasher.

The arrival of fighters loyal to the armed movements in the city of El Fasher, in anticipation of a possible attack by the Rapid Support Forces on the city, coincides with the continued military reinforcement of the Rapid Support Forces east of El Fasher.

The spokesperson for the Joint Force, Ahmed Hussein Mustafa, emphasized that the primary goal of the armed movements is not to engage in a confrontation with the Rapid Support Forces. He stated, "During our period of neutrality, we observed the course of the war, its distance from civilians and their properties. After the Rapid Support Forces turned against civilians, we decided to abandon neutrality and declare our defense of civilians whenever the Rapid Support Forces attempted to target them."

The armed movements conditioned any clash with the Rapid Support Forces on the latters commitment to the laws of war, human rights, and the protection of civilian entities, institutions, and public facilities. Mustafa added, "But unless they commit and cease targeting civilians, every event will be a subject of discussion."

He further remarked that the situation in the region is catastrophic in all humanitarian, economic, and security aspects, especially with the increase in waves of displacement that have affected three out of the five major states. This has created a humanitarian and health situation with a high intensity, particularly in relatively safe areas suffering from population congestion.

He pointed out that the practices of the Rapid Support Forces militia include some of the worst forms of looting, plundering, and the destruction of markets in all cities and recently controlled areas. Consequently, these waves of looting have contributed to the impoverishment of citizens.

He noted that most displaced people are outside the economic and economic movement, alongside the deterioration of the security situation due to the widespread presence of militias, especially in rural and agricultural areas, using the approach of indiscriminate shooting. This directly affects the agricultural season, in addition to the widespread availability of weapons in the hands of militias fueled by the Rapid Support Forces.

On the other hand, the official spokesperson for the Justice and Equality Movement, led by Jibril Ibrahim, stated that the armed movements have clearly declared their position, which is to protect civilians. The spokesperson, Hassan Ibrahim Fadl, added, "We will not tolerate any activity that threatens the lives of civilians." He further stated, "As for the Rapid Support Forces, we do not speak on their behalf. Whether they want to attack or refrain from doing so is up to them."

However, he emphasized, "We are now dealing seriously with the threats of the Rapid Support Forces, and there are no indications that the Rapid Support Forces have refrained from attacking El Fasher. Therefore, until that is proven, we are prepared and ready for anything."

Furthermore, the political advisor in the Sudan Liberation Movement, the Transitional Council, Saif Issa, described the talk about the El Fasher attack as media noise. He said, "There will be no clash between the armed forces and the Rapid Support Forces." He added, "Since we are still in a neutral position, we cannot retract from it." He continued, "Because we are in a neutral position, we will make great efforts to contain this escalating crisis."

He stated that the talk of a collision or confrontation is entirely untrue. He added, "Even those who declared their position in Port Sudan and sided with the army have backtracked on their recent position and returned to a neutral position because the equation in this conflict is distorted." He concluded, "Supporting any party means burning and destroying the country."

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