
Frustration in operation areas by suspending negotiations

Walid Al Noor
On Sunday, Jeddahs platform negotiations between the military and rapid support broke down, and various media outlets reported the suspension of the negotiations, without issuing an official statement from Saudi-American mediation or the two delegations.

In the same vein, the President of the Transitional Sovereign Council, General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, in addressing the armed rebel officers of the islands State, wrote to the political forces who had called after the outbreak of the war that the solution must be within the Sudan and not by begging the world. A veiled threat was made to Lambs new envoy, Ramadan Lamamra, that if his predecessors path was to differentiate between political forces, he would find the fate of his predecessor and, if he dealt with everyone, welcome and help.

As if the Head of the Integrated Political Mission, Volkerberets, who had come at the request of Dr. Abdalla Hamdoks Government to assist in the democratic civilian transition, had found strong opposition from supporters of the Bedouin regime, whose party had been dissolved by the Transitional Government.

Volker led efforts with Bashirs partner in power and some armed movements and reached the end of the dialogue. A session known as the Rotana Dialogue was held, but the Central Council of FFC boycotted the session and refused to participate in it, which led Volkerrets to begin a dialogue with it and reached the signing of the December 5th Framework Political Agreement 2022 year.

The democratic bloc consisting of (the justice and equality movements led by Gibril Ibrahim and liberation of the Sudan led by Minni Arko Minawi, Sheikh Mohamed al-Amin Turk and Ja afar al-Sadik al-Mirghani, vice-president of the Democratic Unionist Party and others) rejected the outcomes of the dialogue between Volker and the Centre. There were two teams in the civil front, which had not reached an agreement until the outbreak of the war, which was about eight months old.

News of the failure of the Jeddah Platform to reach a ceasefire and a cessation of hostilities, and the parties return to consultation, meant that the war would be prolonged, and many of those stuck in the areas of clashes who had been encouraged by leaks from the Jeddah Platform would find an imminent agreement between the parties to be signed in Jeddah. Citizens in clash areas suffer from food shortages and a complete Internet outage.

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