
Suspension of Jeddah negotiations shatters Sudanese hopes

Thana Abedin
The majority of the Sudanese people built a bid when the Saudi-American mediation announced the resumption of negotiations between the parties to the conflict, the military and the Rapid Support Forces, after a nearly four-month hiatus in which fighting and exchanges of fire between the parties intensified.

Many expected the resumption of negotiations to be a step towards ending the Sudans human, economic and political suffering. The displaced themselves were able to return to the homes they had forcibly left under the barrage of bombs and missiles that had killed many civilians, including children and women.

Those hopes and dreams were built against the backdrop of statements by the parties conflicting leaders that a solution to dialogue and negotiation was most appropriate, and the most important agenda of the second negotiating round was safe humanitarian corridors and confidence-building measures.

This suspended tour was characterized by secrecy and the withholding of deliberations from the media, with the exception of some leaks attributed to sources whose credibility cannot be ascertained, making despair leak into sight as military operations in the capital, Khartoum, and the Darfur States increase in pace. Despair reached the point when some news sites carried information on Saudi mediations indefinite suspension of negotiations and the return of negotiating delegations to discussions with leaders, following the failure of confidence-building measures and the termination of military presence in major cities.

Although the mediation did not issue a statement of validity or denial of the comment, it has become asserted. What underpins areas of doubt is the conflicting parties lack of seriousness in sparking war and signing a peace agreement. Each party seeks to strengthen its agenda to remain in power, as reflected in recent statements by the army commanders represented in the Commander-in-Chief, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, in the islands State, when he asserted that the end of the Rapid Support Forces was near and that external solutions would not be imposed on them. His aide, Yasser al-Atta, previously made statements accusing the UAE of supporting the RSF.

Between this and this, the citizen remains the victim. The victim of intransigence by commanders speaking and defending him, her war machine every day assassinating innocent people and displacing others. The future of children and girls has been lost and the health and education system has collapsed. Above all, security and security have been lost. And war generals dont turn to that. Their eyes blinded their aspirations and goals. Not more than that.

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