
Expanded mechanism: we support a comprehensive political process for the Sudanese crisis

Members of the Expanded Mechanism for the Resolution of the Sudan Crisis expressed concern at the persistence of the conflict in the Sudan, which extends to new areas so far unaffected by the fighting, with credible reports of serious crimes, in particular war crimes, crimes against humanity and sexual assault.

The Mechanism confirmed in a statement published today on the African Union website the Sudanese-led comprehensive dialogue among all Sudanese stakeholders ", stressing the absence of a military solution to the Sudanese crisis including belligerents, other armed movements, political parties and civil society organizations s and youth groups, resistance committees, trade unions and professional associations can lead traditional and academic leaders to a peaceful and sustainable solution to the crisis.

The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) called for immediate approval of a comprehensive and unconditional ceasefire and return to the negotiating table in an effort to return peacefully to the transition to civilian constitutional rule in the Sudan. In addition to facilitating safe access to humanitarian assistance and ensuring the protection of civilians, in line with international humanitarian and human rights law, as well as the provisions of the agreements already reached in the Jeddah talks.

The Mechanism stressed the need for the countries of the region and beyond to maintain neutrality and refrain from providing military, political or financial support to the Sudans belligerents.

Parties to the Mechanism expressed support for the African Union and IGAD road maps on the Sudan for the Sudanese-owned inclusive political process required facilitated by the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development and supported by all members of the expanded mechanism, In that regard, he urged countries in a position to do so to provide the necessary financial, technical and logistical support to the political process.

The expanded mechanism includes: the African Union Commission, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, League of Arab States, European Union Republic of Ghana, Republic of Mozambique, Central African Republic, Republic of Chad, Union of Comoros, Djibouti, Arab Republic of Egypt, State of Eritrea, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Republic of Kenya, State of Libya, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland s Republic of China, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, State of Qatar, Kingdom of Norway, Federal Republic of Germany and Republic of Turkey.

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