
Mother of Sudanese Revolutions in Full Heyday Enters its Fifth Year

Abdullah Rizk Abusimaza
Coinciding with the completion of the April 15 War its eighth month, the Great December Revolution is completing its fourth year, as the largest mass revolutionary movement since Mahdia, to begin its fifth year, without abandoning, neither the violence nor the determination derived from the strength and solidity of the revolutionary masses, the stakeholders in the Revolutions successful victory. For the past five years, which have been nothing but a continuous series of confrontations with the rescue system and its derivatives, represented by the apostasy forces, on their civilian and military sides, the Sudanese people have been in a state of revolution, burning the street almost daily with millionaire demonstrations, vigils and sit-ins, including the largest sit-in in in the history of peaceful sit-ins. (6 April - 3 June 2019), in order to reach the dawn of freedom, justice and peace, the revolution translates into a way of life in the face of daily repression, repression and antagonism. It is a unique situation in terms of its extension in time, its geographical breadth and popular momentum, and the accompanying sacrifices: hundreds of martyrs, wounded and missing.

* The revolution began peacefully, despite the violence of power, and continued peacefully. By peace itself, it is now rising to its full strength to blockade and stop the absurd war.

* The revolution began from the provinces. From Mayerno, Damazin, Atbara and others, then moved to the capital Khartoum.

* The revolution was able to attract a large audience, in the capital and states, enrich it, and bring it into the circle of struggle. Young people and women had a significant role to play in the revolution, which had gained it very important features.

* In the context of its struggle, the Revolution was able to create its organizational frameworks and mechanisms for coordinating its mobility in time and space, thereby sustaining them, at the level of the Sudan and over the past years. Resistance committees, the most important neighbourhood revolutionary parent, along with the Alliance of Forces for Freedom and Change, formed the forefront of the revolution.

* The prolonged conflict between the forces of the revolution, on the one hand, and those of the graveyard regime, and its derivatives, on the other, has increasingly crystallized the objectives of the revolution and has precisely defined its logos for the current stage of its development, under which millionth processions have proceeded throughout the country.

* By determination, the masses of the revolution resisted the plans of the apostasy forces, beginning with the coups d état of 11 and 12 April 2019, until the coup d état of 25 October 2021, which was aimed at complementing the first coup d état, the coup d état of the Al-Bashir Security Committee, blocking the victory of the revolution and its masses. Apostasy forces have revealed their face as they ignite the 15 April War, which is now in its ninth month, as an advanced stage of their conspiracy against the peoples revolution, and their attempt to re-infiltrate the country.

* With violence, the revolution remained resisting attempts to extinguish its flare-up, starting with the leadership picket dispersal massacre on June 3, 2019, shame of leadership, ending with bold houses, during the response to the 25 October bloody coup d état and the accompanying massacres, where the masses of the revolution expressed their unlimited willingness to sacrifice for the victory of the revolution.

The most important feats of the past years lie in the great experience of the masses, which enables them to continue to struggle steadily until their goals are achieved. In growing revolutionary consciousness in their ranks, it is no longer possible to obscure the horizon of change to which the forces of the revolution aspire, comprehensively and deeply.

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