
Declaration of State of Emergency in Three States and Closure of Bridges in the Nile River State

Three states, namely Northern State, Sennar, and Al-Qadarif, declared a state of emergency, while the Nile River State announced the closure of bridges at night.

The authorities of the Northern State issued an emergency order, imposing a curfew from 8:00 PM to 5:00 AM. The ban includes all types of gatherings, the closure of all commercial shops and cafes, parks, the use of motorcycles, and the firing of bullets at social events or otherwise. It also prohibits the use of fireworks, tinting car windows, and the construction of any stalls or kiosks on main roads.

The authorities stated that the decision was prompted by "security conditions threatening the state and to safeguard the properties and safety of citizens."

Similarly, the authorities in Sennar State declared a state of emergency today, Sunday, imposing a curfew from 7:00 PM to 5:00 AM, effective from today. The decision includes the formation of a "security cell" and the confiscation of unlicensed motorcycles and cars.

Al-Qadarif State followed suit, also declaring a state of maximum emergency.

Under this decision, a curfew was imposed for individuals and vehicles from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM. All commercial shops and cafes were closed, except pharmacies and health institutions. The movement of vehicles passing through the state during the curfew period is allowed, but dealing in strategic goods or transporting petroleum products is prohibited without the authorities approval.

The authorities in the Nile River State closed the Nile crossings and bridges in the state. The decision included the nighttime closure of the Um Al-Tuyour and Al-Bashir bridges, as well as the new Atbara Bridge and the Iron Bridge. The Um Al-Tuyour and Al-Bashir bridges connect the eastern and western banks, forming a Nile crossing for movement between the Nile River State and the Northern and Khartoum states. Meanwhile, the new Atbara Bridge connects the northern and southern banks of the Atbara River, linking the Nile River State with the Khartoum and Red Sea states. The Iron Bridge connects Atbara to Damazin.

As a reinforcement of a previous decision, the authorities in the Gezira State, which has become a new front in the fighting between the army and the Rapid Support Forces since last Friday, banned the use of motorcycles in the major localities of Medani and "banned or regulated the movement of individuals or their activities, as well as the movement of objects and transportation."

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