
``Illusions and the Treatment of Concerns``

Osman Fadlallah

The atrocities of this war intensify as its scope widens, turning into hysteria and chaos that will spare no one. Illusory is the one who believes that the army can do anything other than what we see from it every day. Equally illusory are those who expect civilized behavior from the Rapid Support Forces or adherence to the commitments they made to the people to preserve their security. These forces are designed and trained to disrupt security, and their unruly behavior was protected by the law during the previous regime, and anyone raised on something will stick to it.

Their leaders cannot control them even if they wanted to, and village committees will not achieve their goal of distancing them from violating citizens right to the safety of their lives and property.

It is indeed lamentable that we stand idly by as we witness the plundering of villages in Al-Jazirah, the indifference towards the villages in South Shendi, the silence of Merowe, the complaints of the citizens of Nyala about aerial bombardment, the imprisonment of the people of Fashir without water and electricity, El-Obeid mourning a martyr every day, and Khartoum becoming a forgotten city.

All of this is happening, and some are waiting for God to send us angels from Him to triumph over the "infidel invaders" according to their understanding. Others smile every time there is an outcry from those who ignited the war because they delight in the tunes coming from the throats of those enemies, oblivious that every cry they make conceals the lament of a poor woman in a poor village in Al-Jazirah who has lost her security and can no longer go out to tend to her livelihood while feeling reassured.

The situation now in all parts of Sudan has become miserable and extremely dire. No Sudanese, regardless of their location far or near from the conflict zones, is safe anymore. War has entered every home and touched every street in various ways. This places the civil forces in a difficult test as they are now responsible for bringing security and safety to the citizens, after it has been proven that the armed forces are irrational.

The chaotic situation requires thinking outside the box to innovate means that force the armed groups to lay down their arms and incline towards peace. Perhaps at the forefront of these steps is exposing the violations and atrocities committed by both parties and exposing them to themselves and to the local and international communities. The terrorist Islamist battalions that are detaining the people of Darfur in the central and northern states have reached a level of madness where they carry out summary executions and burn the bodies with fire, as happened in Medani, which is a heinous and tremendous violation if only they knew.

What the militia soldiers did in liquidating the medical staff at Rafa Hospital is no less gruesome than what happened in Medani. Their invasion of the deserts and urban areas in the region extending from Khartoum to the capital of Al-Jazirah, looting the money, gold, and citizens cars, and killing anyone who objects in cold blood are crimes we have not witnessed the likes of in modern history.

All of these crimes must be exposed, and the civil forces must establish emergency rooms, with others tasked with addressing the people around the clock through statements and press conferences to provide them with information, enlighten them with facts, and make them feel that there are those who care about their affairs and are seeking to resolve their crises.

The civil forces must also return the leadership of their work inside the country, whatever the sacrifices, and whatever the price paid will not be greater than what the citizens of El Geneina and Nyala paid, and what the civilian is paying now.

The atrocities and the state of confusion that people are experiencing require everyone to dispel illusions and focus on addressing concerns rationally, choosing objective ways.

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