
``The Betrayal of the Army``

Mohamed Abdelmajid

The remnants of the ousted regime turned to undermining the army to justify their role in igniting the war and pushing the army into it. Planning for this began with the October 25 coup, and the peak of the plan was reached by igniting the war on April 15.

Before the fall of Medani and the recent defeats (I do not say for the armed forces, but I say for the rogues), any criticism of the army or questioning its victory over the Rapid Support Forces was considered treason, completely taboo. Criticizing the army or doubting its victory over the Rapid Support Forces was considered treasonous, full stop. Even those who said "no to war" were accused of treason. Patriotism, in their view, meant calling for war, refusing to stop it, and celebrating while watching the countrys institutions collapse. All of this, according to them, was for the sake of the nation.

Warning against the expansion of the war was considered terrorizing citizens, while they insisted on the Rapid Support Forces retreat in Khartoum and the imminent decisive hour. They dismissed the presence and expansion of the Rapid Support Forces, denying their existence. How could they do all that when they are just footholds in Khartoum with no real influence or power?

The country was destroyed under the guise of the "Battle of Dignity." A battle in which citizens lost their property, money, real estate, and dignity. They didnt care about the destruction and ruin of the country, as long as they were away from power. Their return to power or drowning was the same to them. They forgot that the flood would be the first to destroy them.

The cost of war was high even if the armed forces were victorious. How would the cost be amid the clear progress of the Rapid Support Forces in Khartoum, Darfur, and Kordofan, and now the Rapid Support Forces have turned towards the Gezira State and the White Nile State, threatening all safe states in Sudan?

Regardless of the winning side, look at the losses of the war in lives, bodies, facilities, money, homes, and vehicles. In Sudan, if you are not a displaced citizen, displacement directly threatens you. Cities that have not yet been touched by war live in a state of terror higher than those witnessing the horrors of war. The losses of war affected the Jili Refinery, bridges, and tanks, along with the severe damage and losses suffered by the Sudanese people after peoples interests stopped and life came to a halt in Sudan.

The remnants of the ousted regime turned their arrows towards the army after their recent losses, responding with betrayal to some senior army leaders. Threats began to reach Burhan, and some reports indicated the possibility of sacrificing him and removing him from his position. They began exchanging messages of betrayal and abandonment. Even the top army leaders, who used to accuse anyone criticizing the army of treason, responded to the remnants of the old regime and announced negligence and an investigation into some army leaders after the fall of the city of Wad Madani. This matter would have been better if it had been handled internally without being announced and heralded by the overall commander of the Peoples Armed Forces.

The rogues analyzed the retreat of their militias, depriving the army of withdrawing from the battlefield, even depriving it of peace, considering war an inevitable and only option. In a leaked audio recording from the leader of the Islamic Battalion of Baraa bin Malik, Al-Musbah confessed to fleeing the battle of Wad Madani. The leader of the Baraa Battalion, whose images circulated in various cities, urging the mobilized people to fight the Rapid Support Forces, revealed the shortage of ammunition for the forces defending Wad Madani, their small numbers, and that they had nothing but a "tactical withdrawal" (we withdrew because there was nothing else in front of us).

Cursed be the "tactical withdrawal" that you use to justify your defeats. The nation is not subject to withdrawal. The army paid the price for the justifications of the remnants of the ousted regime, who covered every defeat with "tactical withdrawal" until they lost the pulsating heart of Sudan, the city of Wad Madani.

The mobilized battalions appeared in their photos on social media as fierce lions, declaring their readiness and preparations for battle. Their only option was "only" (Bal Bas). "Bal Bas" for the Jili Refinery. "Bal Bas" for the Shambat Bridge. "Bal Bas" for the Jebel Aulia Reservoir. "Bal Bas" for the command of the First Infantry Division. "Bal Bas" for the citizens. They didnt care, as long as destruction and devastation were their only way back to power.

The leader of the Baraa Battalions, in his escape from the battlefield, did not forget to attack the "traitors," saying in his audio recording: "By God, nothing but prayers can solve our problems. And then, lets not lie to ourselves. These messages that come mostly are from the traitors, meaning Wad Madani, the end of the Janjaweed and who knows, a thousand fighters. Yesterday, by God, they couldnt find ammunition, and they couldnt find weapons. What will they fight with?"

Who attacks the "traitors"? Look at what he said in his escape, serving his enemy with a message that confirms their weakness and humiliation before the people. The leader of the Baraa Battalion says: "By God, my eyes did not close. I swear by God, I swear by God, Ive been carrying a Kalashnikov without bullets since yesterday. I found a magazine after great effort. I swear by God, I couldnt find ammunition. I swear by God, I have one bullet in my rifle, and by God, by God, by God, my rifle has one bullet; God is my witness."

The entire Sudanese people did not sleep, so how can one close their eyes to those who ignited the war? This is a defeat and loss that the "traitors" cannot speak of. If you dont have more than one bullet, why call for war? And raise the slogan of "only"? Can "only" be achieved with a crutch or by a single bullet? If this is the case with the leader of the Baraa Battalion, who calls for war and operates from an ideological standpoint, what about the soldiers who have no say or role in this war?

The rogues admitted defeat, saying that they only have prayers. And prayers will not be answered for those who have corrupted the land and shed innocent blood. The rogues played a dirty role in this war when they called for it, exaggerated the army and its capabilities, spoke of victories that did not happen, and spoke of readiness that would not be lost even if the army turned against them, betrayed its leadership, and mocked its situation.

When the remnants of the ousted regime withdraw from the battlefield, they call it a "tactical withdrawal" and justify it by saying that their Kalashnikovs only have one bullet. But when the army withdraws, they call it a "betrayal."

For the remnants of the ousted regime, the army is a "red line" when criticized by the "traitors." They can do whatever they want with it, including pushing it into war. They can say whatever they want, including accusing it of betrayal, and the people must believe them and applaud them. Due to these losses and defeats, we rejected the war. We rejected it out of fear for the army because it was not ready to guarantee victory. We rejected the war because the Rapid Support Forces possess its tools more than the armed forces, which need building, rehabilitation, and repair that do not accept tactical withdrawal. If the remnants are not stopped and eradicated from power and the army, the war will not stop, and victory will not be achieved.

All support and backing for the honorable armed forces and the Sudanese people who bear the bills of a war dragged into it by the rogues.

No to war. No to militia rule.
War will reach anyone who calls for it, even in fortified towers. The voice of peace must be the loudest.

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