
Idea Publishes Study on the Participation of People with Disabilities in Sudanese Political Processes


The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (International IDEA) has published a significant study on its website, the first of its kind, discussing the participation of people with disabilities in the political process. The study was conducted by legal experts Mohamed Al-Mamoun and Badr Al-Din Ahmed, specializing in the rights of people with disabilities.

The study examined documents addressing the rights of people with disabilities in political participation and equal enjoyment, along with other citizens, in managing the state and making decisions that determine the fate of the Sudanese state.

The researchers met with several interested parties and specialists to obtain more information supporting the hypothesis on which the study was based: that all Sudanese are equal in enjoying citizenship rights, including the right to hold public office, freedom of expression, peaceful democratic organization, and the right to hold public meetings and peacefully object to public policies.

The study is based on the premise that people with disabilities suffer from the denial of political and civil rights, and that laws do not give these rights much attention.

The study concluded that various legislative and institutional reforms are required to ensure the participation of this important segment of society in political change processes in Sudan. Effective and fully free participation in shaping Sudans future on an equal basis with other citizens without any discrimination due to disability.

The study, supervised by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (Sudan Office), reflects the necessity of integrating all population groups into the peaceful democratic transition project. Expanding the scope of participation and ensuring equal citizenship rights is the only correct approach for sustainable peace, peaceful coexistence, and development in Sudan.


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