
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Sudan: We will stop within months


The President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Sudan, Farid Abdel Qader, stated that the Federation will not be able to continue its work in Sudan in a very short period unless support is provided to it as soon as possible.

Quoted by the Arab World News Agency yesterday, Friday, he said, "The humanitarian situation is worsening in Sudan, while the support we receive falls far short of the increasing needs there."

Abdel Qader pointed out that "needs are increasing within Sudan as the conflict intensifies, while we receive very weak funding at the moment, not exceeding 10% of the requested 60 million Swiss francs (70 million US dollars) to deal with the humanitarian situation in Sudan."

The President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Jagan Chapagain, said on Friday that the organizations failure to respond to its appeals may force it to stop many of its services in Sudan.

He wrote on the Ex platform, "The response to our appeal was very poor, and we may have to stop many services in the coming months."

He explained that since the outbreak of the war between the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese army on April 15th, more than six million people have been displaced from their cities, and after that, about six hundred thousand people have been displaced again to the Gezira State.

He added that the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies provides Sudanese people with "food, medical, water, and sanitation support, as well as non-food items such as shelter, cooking, and sleeping requirements, representing a complete package of aid and basic needs for any individual."

Abdel Qader said that the continuation of the war since last April, and its intensification in some states, requires the allocation of additional resources, as needs have increased and resources have run out.

He added, "The resources we received have been depleted over time, and no further reinforcements are reaching us, and this is the challenge we face now," calling on the international community to send more aid to the Sudanese as soon as possible.

He continued, "Over time, due to congestion and lack of resources, there is a spread of diseases such as waterborne diseases, and cases of cholera have been reported in nearly eight states in Sudan."

But he expressed concern about what is coming, saying, "Every day, the situation worsens, and the pressure on people increases."

Abdel Qader said that the federation has 18 branches throughout Sudan, as the Red Crescent is one of the few institutions that has a presence throughout the country.

He added, "Our teams work in all areas under the control of the Rapid Support Forces, as well as areas under the governments control in the south, and our main problem is not delivering aid, but the bigger problem is providing the necessary resources so that we can provide humanitarian services to the Sudanese."

He explained that the federation needs resources to move to cover needs in several states.

Abdel Qader explained, "We will not be able to continue working for several months, at least we are talking about another three months before we stop our operations."

He added, "After a month from now, we may be forced to reduce expenses so that we can continue to provide the service for a longer time, but this affects the quantity and quality of the support we can provide to people because their needs are very significant."


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