
The Burhan (I wasnt relaxed, living in purity and security)

Mohamed Abdelmajid
Mohamed Abdelmajid

Mohamed Abdelmajid

In the stories of the Quran, Satan refused to prostrate to Adam, saying: "I am better than him." Pharaoh said: "I am your highest lord." Qarun said: "I have been given this wealth only because of my knowledge." Nimrod said: "I give life and cause death." The owner of the two gardens said: "I have more wealth and a larger entourage than you." In all these stories, there is a sense of power and pride that was misplaced, as both power and wealth are transient. But do they reflect and understand?

During the days of the sit-in around the leadership, the Sudanese nation was looking for its dream boy (the military figure) in whom trust could be placed. He could serve as a link between the army and the people. The nation was looking for the knight who would come to the field, riding his horse and wearing the green military uniform, a symbol of pride and dignity. There had to be a (leader) from the army representing, at least to some extent, the aspirations of the Sudanese people.

In those moments of searching, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan appeared in the sit-in area, and a photo of him spreading, placing his hand on the shoulder of Ibrahim al-Sheikh, a prominent figure in the Freedom and Change alliance. At that time, no one knew Burhan, and social media was asking who was standing with Ibrahim al-Sheikh in the photo? In a manner similar to "the man behind Omar Suleiman." This is where Burhan began, and that moment or photo of him placing his hand on Ibrahim al-Sheikhs shoulder with a smile marked the first step for Burhan on the ladder to the presidency.

However, Burhan denied those who brought him, as is the custom of military personnel who always have (coup) in their blood. Burhans history confirms this, as he initially denied Bashir under the pretext of siding with the people, then turned against Hamdok on October 25, for the sake of reform and preventing the country from tearing apart and political infighting over power. Later, he turned against Hemeti, his companion in Darfur, and his partner in power on April 15, responding to the desire of the remnants of the old regime, who he responded to in their desire to overthrow Hamdok.

Burhans appearance in the sit-in area was not a coincidence. Later, in a television interview, he mentioned that his father saw him in a dream as a president. Burhan almost said to his father after becoming president: "O my father, this is the interpretation of your dream that my Lord has made a reality." We are now paying the price for the illusions of this dream, which seems to have been a nightmare for the Sudanese.

Burhan had a historic opportunity to lead the country towards civilian rule, growth, and development, and history would have recorded that for him. Similar to Field Marshal Abd al-Rahman Suwar al-Dahab, who handed over power to the elected government of Sadiq al-Mahdi, Suwar al-Dahab, unlike Burhan, did not even tolerate the presidency of a civilian for the Sovereignty Council during the coup period. Instead, he turned against Hamdok to remain the head of the Sovereignty Council after his term in the council presidency ended.

Sudan entered this tunnel because of the October 25 coup, which automatically led to the April 15 war. The April 15 war could lead to the disintegration and fragmentation of Sudan, and God is the Helper.

Logic dictated that Burhan, who did not agree with the civilian personality like Dr. Abdullah Hamdok, calm, peaceful, and balanced, was unlikely to agree with a military personality with a volatile and stubborn nature like Hemeti. Thus, war ensued. Burhan ruined a historic opportunity due to the suspicions of the military commanders (their weight on him), as they pushed him to turn against Hamdok and then against Hemeti in two consecutive coups.

Burhan went out of his presidential palace and military headquarters and began wandering between the cities of Sudan, content with his words, addressing some soldiers in the military bases in the east and north. This was no longer available to him in Khartoum alone, as he was also deprived of it in Darfur, Kordofan, and the Jazeera states after the army lost control of those states.

Burhan is now running his government from social media, and all we can say to him is "I wasnt relaxed, living in purity and security." The strange thing is that many media platforms and even military leaders themselves criticized the withdrawal of the commander of the First Infantry Division in Medani, and Burhan announced an investigation into that, despite the fact that government leaders and Burhan himself withdrew from Khartoum and transferred the capital to Port Sudan.

The first defeat was not in Burhan and Kabashis exit and withdrawal from the battlefield but in turning the capital to the east, leaving Khartoum to the Rapid Support Forces to do as they pleased.

The current events indicate that the remnants may turn against Burhan, dispose of him, and remove him from power after he played the burnt card for them. Just as Burhan turned against Hamdok and Hemeti, the remnants may turn against him. The groundwork for this has appeared through criticisms from the remnants, criticizing the army, specifically Burhan, after the army and Burhan themselves were sacred military zones that were forbidden to approach or criticize.

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