
Sudanese Journalists Union Calls for Opening Safe Passages for Its Members

The Sudanese Journalists Union has called on the Rapid Support Forces to open safe passages for journalists trapped in the East Jazeera region.

In a statement released today, the union expressed its concern about the conditions of its members in the Jazeera state. It stated that groups of journalists have left conflict areas for safer locations, but recent reports indicate that militias are extending their influence towards their new refuges.

The statement quoted eyewitnesses saying that the Rapid Support Forces invasion of the Jazeera state resulted in widespread incidents of killing, looting, and large-scale forced disappearances.

It added that the forces are restricting the civilians freedom of movement, preventing them from leaving hazardous areas, and using them as human shields.

The union emphasized the responsibility of armed groups to protect journalists, humanitarian workers, and emergency rooms.

It urged international organizations and the international community to pressurize the Rapid Support Forces to immediately and unconditionally open safe passages for women, children, and the elderly trapped in dangerous areas.

The union called for an end to the war, the cessation of hate speech, and a move towards the negotiation table.

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