
Urging Continued Pressure for War Cessation and Peace Enforcement

Faisal Al-Bagir

In an atmosphere where the areas of "militia" war expansion in Sudan, the imperative is to continue the pressure to achieve a war cessation and enforce peace.

First Axis:
"The nostalgic country... Called Umma and Yaba... Between the two worlds... Dignity, beauty, and majesty... Old sorrow... Rain clears its cloud... No sorrowful children... No displaced and destitute..." - Mohamed Taha Al-Qaddal

I write on the evening of December 26, 2023, while the safe and secure cities of the world continue their joyful celebrations of the birth of Mr. Christ, the "Messenger of Peace," in various forms. Meanwhile, Sudan and its people live in complete sadness, the poison of an ongoing senseless war, and the burden of crises weighing on souls longing for peace. The tragedies have deepened and extended due to the catastrophic "militia" war between the Rapid Support Forces and the army, with the involvement of "other warring parties," as metaphorically referred to. Day by day and month after month, the war has continued to destroy more infrastructure and strategic facilities across the country, from the capital Khartoum to Darfur and then Kordofan.

The so-called "senseless militia" war, as described, is expanding and entering a dangerous turn. It heralds a new phase of prolonged conflict, with the entry of the Rapid Support Forces into the city of Wad Madani, the capital of Jazeera state. The combat has extended between the army and the Rapid Support Forces, reaching the outskirts of Sennar city, 60 kilometers from the states capital Sanga. Sennar is about 360 kilometers from the countrys capital, Khartoum. All of this confirms that talk of the decline of the waves of conflict is nothing more than silent words, unsupported and unproven in the reality of battlefields, despite efforts from the mediation system and others to achieve a breakthrough. The upcoming meeting between the leaders of both sides (Burhan and Hemeti) in Entebbe, Uganda, or elsewhere, aims to stop the sounds of gunfire and missile launches, and to ease the random airstrikes on civilian targets before the end of this year.

After the Rapid Support Forces declared their complete control over Wad Madani and the state secretariat, along with the military command headquarters, the army, in return, announced the withdrawal of its forces from the "First Division" positions in the city on December 18, 2023. The army stated that it would conduct an investigation into the reasons and circumstances of this "withdrawal." Later, General Burhan, the army commander, said, "Every negligent person involved in the events of Wad Madani will be held accountable, with no leniency in that."

The use of phrases such as "negligent," "involved," and "leniency" in such a sensitive context is a prominent and powerful indicator that something is happening discreetly within the Sudanese armys corridors. It echoes the phrase "whatever happened, happened," as coined by General Al-Kabashi to justify the heinous crime of dispersing the sit-in in front of the General Command of the Sudanese army. This atrocious crime, whose secrets remain hidden among its planners and executors, has become more complicated with the silence of the committee investigating those events, formed by Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok and headed by lawyer Nabil Adeeb. For those who may not know, crimes of this magnitude will not and cannot escape the statute of limitations, regardless of the reasons and justifications.

Many military observers believe that the withdrawal of army forces from the "guardian" of Wad Madani city is a strong indicator of underlying tensions. It has been running under the bridge of the relationship between the highest military command, intermediary leadership, lower-ranking officers, and the infrastructure consisting of the officer ranks and ordinary soldiers. It is no longer a secret to everyone, especially military observers, that there is a "suspicion" of an alliance between the high command in the army and the rebellious regime battalions (Al-Bara) at the expense of the unity of the army unit. The phenomenon of "withdrawal" from "guardians" and military sites in important cities, especially in Madani, is not the first of its kind. Similar "withdrawals" occurred before in other military locations. Many fear that this scenario will prevail in other cities and states, making it a critical juncture.

The shift of the catastrophic "militia" war battles between the two parties to Jazeera state and its capital, Wad Madani, indicates the possibility of the war expanding and the country entering a phase of total war. This is a frightening reality, with Jazeera state joining nine other states that have witnessed continuous and fierce fighting between the main war parties and other warring factions. These factions include the rebellious regime battalions under various names and faces, as well as other militias allied with one of the war parties. They are supported with funds, manpower, and military equipment, and sometimes they fight alongside or on behalf of external entities. These factions are clearly the primary beneficiaries of the unprecedented destruction occurring in Sudan, coupled with civilian mobilization campaigns, turning them into fuel for the catastrophic war.

While the catastrophic war continues on the ground, another fierce war unfolds on media platforms, news outlets, and social media between the two parties. It is a war not less severe than the original conflict, marked by the rise of war propaganda "propaganda." Both parties spend massive amounts to disseminate false, misleading, and deceitful news, using it as a tool for mobilization and counter-mobilization between the war parties. Hate speech against the other and those who differ escalates to unprecedented levels, leaving Sudan in a state of comprehensive media blackout. This situation turns enthusiastic youth into fuel for this losing war, and campaigns of defamation, belittlement, and incitement against any voices opposing the war and calling for peace intensify.

Before we conclude this article, as it reaches the readers, news unfolds of renewed battles in Khartoum, as well as other areas such as Um Rawaba, Ar Rahad, and Al-Obayid, which have witnessed new cases of violence and terror in the past few days. Certain parts of the city were attacked by the Rapid Support Forces for several days. Undoubtedly, such a dangerous trend makes this war a greater catastrophe than people anticipated. Therefore, every possible means must be explored to stop it, hold its masterminds accountable, and prevent them from participating in any "transitional" arrangements after the war. They should not be rewarded by returning to governance amid the ruins and blood of the Sudanese people. Achieving sustainable peace requires a broader popular front against the war, isolating its instigators from Sudanese politics, and holding them accountable for the crimes committed against the nation and its people. This will only be possible through the unity of the real revolutionary forces, continuing the tasks and duties of the glorious December revolution. Undoubtedly, the path to peace is arduous and lengthy, but anyone walking on the path of sustainable peace will eventually reach it. What is required today and tomorrow is to dedicate all efforts to stop the war by continuing popular, regional, and international pressure on the leadership of the warring parties to engage directly, take urgent measures to stop the war, and provide protection for civilians while enforcing peace. This is what the Sudanese people await from the mediators and friends of the mediators. Will this legitimate dream be realized today rather than tomorrow?

Final Ring:
"Do not stop at the beginning of the road if you find a rock... for it is part of a bridge you will one day build for your future." /// "Soldiers measure the distance between existence and non-existence with a tanks sight... We measure the distance between our bodies and shells with the sixth sense." - Mahmoud Darwish


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