
United Nations: Displaced people from Medani heading to 5 states, and complete statistics soon

In the latest statistics on the movement of citizens in various states following the entry of the Rapid Support Forces into the capital of Gezira state, Medani, the United Nations stated that the displaced people from Wad Medani and other parts of Gezira have headed to 5 states in the central and eastern regions of the country: Kassala, Khartoum, the Red Sea, Sennar, and the White Nile. However, communication difficulties have prevented the issuance of statistics, and the United Nations has pledged to do so soon. The numbers received from local authorities so far have reached about 25,000.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) emphasized in a statement on Thursday about the movement and conditions of the displaced that the disruption or weakness of the mobile phone and internet network in parts of Gezira and the White Nile and other adjacent areas did not allow the collection of information about the recent numbers of displaced people and their urgent needs. The office pledged to provide data as soon as the numbers are recorded and verified.

However, the UN office stated that "many of the displaced have moved to the current gathering sites (collective centers) in Kassala and Sennar and their surroundings, and the majority have resorted to host communities." It quoted local authorities and partners in Kassala as saying that about 15,000 people have sought refuge in host communities in the city of Kassala, the capital of Kassala state.

The Humanitarian Aid Commission reported the arrival of about 3,000 displaced people on December 25, and another 980 on December 26, from Wad Medani to Port Sudan, the capital of the Red Sea state, with more displaced people expected in the coming days.

It added that the Red Sea State Committee concerned with displacement and relief has identified nine new sites in the popular market - mainly schools - to receive the new displaced, and the Humanitarian Aid Commission reported an urgent need for shelter, food, and non-food items for the newly arrived displaced people, some of whom are living with host communities in the city.

Regarding the humanitarian response, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs emphasized that local communities are receiving the displaced and working to meet their basic needs. It said that the authorities have activated daily meetings for an emergency cell to monitor the situation and ensure readiness for an increase in the number of arrivals in the city center.

It clarified that humanitarian partners in Kassala are providing assistance related to water, sanitation, health, protection, and food to the displaced once the transfer site is completed and the displaced arrive at the site.

In Kassala, about 3,000 new displaced people from the Greater Medani locality in Gezira received high-energy biscuits and ready-to-use supplementary foods for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children from the World Food Program as initial food support for 4-5 days. More food assistance and comprehensive livelihood support are provided upon completion of needs assessment and availability of the number of displaced people.

In the Red Sea state, the Port Sudan Youth Initiative has started providing ready-made meals with limited resources. However, the UN office will send a joint assessment mission between agencies to two sites hosting the displaced in Port Sudan - Abdullah Naji and Salalab West.

The office added that the Humanitarian Aid Commission reported that about 1,770 displaced families have reached various sites in the localities of Sennar and Singa since the start of the fighting in Wad Medani. Humanitarian partners continue to provide support to newly arrived displaced people from Gezira and also to those displaced from Khartoum.

The State Child Welfare Council, in cooperation with UNICEF, continues to register separated and unaccompanied children to provide services to them in all localities of Sennar state. The Child Development Foundation and Save the Children have opened 10 child centers in the localities of Sennar and Singa, supported by the Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SHF) and UNICEF. They provided clothes and personal assistance to children with disabilities.

With UNICEFs support, the Child Welfare Council has activated 10 community protection networks in the localities of Sennar and Singa to provide protection services to needy children and refer cases for protection support. The Civil Defense forces have established a network targeting 60 people in the Suki locality, and a group of the Women and Child Protection Network to monitor and follow up on child and maternal protection issues.

The UN office mentioned that the International Medical Corps provided two months worth of medical supplies to five primary healthcare centers (three in Suki locality and two in Singa locality), in addition to the current mobile clinic in Karkouk in Singa locality, which serves displaced people from Khartoum and Gezira. The International Medical Corps provided more than 1,300 medical consultations to the displaced, as well as nutrition services through therapeutic programs for outpatient care in five primary healthcare centers. The International Medical Corps distributed cholera hygiene supplies to 880 displaced people in three gathering areas in Sennar locality and continues to support the rapid response team affiliated with the state health ministry and logistical support for the rapid response team.

The Community Development Foundation conducted training courses on gender-based violence, psychosocial support, and awareness sessions on preventing gender-based violence. It established a mechanism to receive community-compatible feedback in Suki locality.

The International Relief Organization (RI) will soon deploy two mobile clinics to support displaced people from Gezira. RIs team in the Blue Nile state plans to visit Sennar state with an ambulance and medical supplies for mobile clinics on December 28.

In the Blue Nile state, the Humanitarian Aid Commission reported that about 500 displaced people arrived in Damazin, and more displaced people may arrive in the coming days. About 460 people are in two schools in Damazin city, with 243 staying in the Renaissance School and 216 displaced people in the Arkoyt School. Human Appeal and other organizations provided some aid to the displaced, including food for those in the Renaissance School.




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