
Doctors Without Borders Suspends Activities in Medani

Doctors Without Borders announced the suspension of all its medical activities in Wad Medani, the capital of Gezira State, and evacuated its staff to safer areas in Sudan and neighboring countries.

In a statement on its Facebook page today, Friday, the organization expressed its concern for the residents of Wad Medani, who have extremely limited opportunities to access healthcare and essential medicines. It called on the Rapid Support Forces to protect civilians in the city and ensure safe access to healthcare services by respecting the neutrality of medical facilities.

In a Facebook post, the organization stated that the recent deterioration in security in the city forced it to suspend its activities. However, it emphasized that it continues to operate in Khartoum, Omdurman, the White Nile, the Blue Nile, Kassala, West Darfur, North Darfur, Central Darfur, and South Darfur.

It explained that armed individuals attacked the Doctors Without Borders compound on December 19, looting two vehicles and other items from the building.

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