
``Deceased Already!``

Mohamed Abdelmajid

I imagined that Osman Mergani, who recently insisted on confirming Hamettis death, was a forensic doctor rather than a political analyst. It seemed as though Osman Mergani was a medical examiner or perhaps a lawyer delving into Hamettis inheritance. I envisioned Osman Mergani appearing and analyzing the images of Hametti in Uganda with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, stating that the person seen with Museveni is not Hametti, the leader of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), but rather his twin brother Hamidan, who had been missing. Allegedly, an Indian family kidnapped the twin and migrated to India, raising him far away from his twin brother Hametti. After Hamettis death, Hamidan, the twin, was needed to play the role of his deceased brother, just like in Indian movies skillfully directed by Osman Mergani in his political analyses. The evidence for this is that the suit Hametti wore with President Museveni is the same suit worn by Amitabh Bachchan in his famous movie "AKS." Tell Osman Mergani to be more creative!

Sudanese media often gains popularity by stirring controversy, denying facts, and promoting unrealistic narratives. Fame in Sudan is achieved by going against the flow of facts and distorting reality. This is what media stars in Sudan do. Saying that the sun rises from the east doesnt grab attention, but claiming that the sun rises from the west sparks controversy. Figures like Osman Mergani try to theoretically prove such claims.

I imagined that the Sudanese ambassador to Libya, who asserted personal responsibility for Hamettis death, would reappear. Despite being a guest on the program as Sudans ambassador to Libya, not for his personal brilliance, if the Sudanese ambassador to Libya had not declared Hametti dead, no one would have heard about it. The man lacks a personal dimension that remains in memory beyond this denial. I imagined this ambassador, whose name I believe is Ibrahim Mohamed Ahmed, reappearing and saying that the Hametti seen with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is, in fact, the same person he had referred to as dead earlier. He claims that Hametti, who appeared with these leaders, is the "Baati" himself, the one he declared dead, as the dead do not speak or negotiate.

Perhaps the "deceased" Hametti arrived in Uganda and Addis Ababa carried on a bier, not burdened by the deceased. His spirit may have ascended there, which could be considered a miracle of the "Kezan" people who used him during their war in South Sudan. Imagine if the Sudanese ambassador in Libya, Mubarak al-Fadel, who promotes himself as a dangerous man with knowledge of many secrets, had been dealing with Hametti since May as if he were already dead. Mubarak al-Fadel, who fled Sudan after his wifes gold was allegedly stolen, determined the type of injury Hametti suffered, the surgical procedure he underwent, and how the doctors scalpel was embedded in Hamettis scattered body. Undoubtedly, Hametti has perished, for he is a fugitive, sorry, a victim.

After Mubarak al-Fadels narrative, comparable to Naguib Mahfouzs storytelling, he has yet to do anything beyond the appearance of Hametti. He objected to Ethiopia officially receiving Hametti, questioning its impact, suggesting it was merely a magical influence. This is the new term in which Mubarak found his lost sheep. This misleading media is what defeated Sudan, and it is now leading us towards a civil war through popular resistance. It is an information source dragging Sudan into civil war while being safe abroad.

We will support the army with truth and reality. We reject the violations of the Rapid Support Forces with truth and honesty for the sake of Sudan, not personal gains. We are against the violations of the Rapid Support Forces and the bombing of civilians and the countrys institutions by the army. Those writing from abroad and calling for war, arming the people, are more dangerous to Sudan than the Rapid Support Forces. They commit greater violations than those we have witnessed. The danger to Sudan comes from those who claim nationalism as much as from their bank balances. For them, nationalism means a balance in the bank. What do these people want from Sudan other than more fires? More analysis, deception, and hypocrisy.

We say no to war because the one bleeding in this war is the homeland. We say no to war because those who pay the price are the innocent and the weak huddled in shelters. We say no to war because the nations facilities are being destroyed. The Jili Refinery, Shambat Bridge, Jebel Aulia Dam, and the Sennar Sugar Factory. We say no to war because the Republican Palace, the General Command, and television and radio are under siege now.

We say no to war because war has spread to the River Nile State, threatening Sennar and Shendi after Nyala, Zalingei, and El-Fula fell into the hands of the Rapid Support Forces militias. We say no to war because the army, after 9 months of failing to achieve any victory against the Rapid Support Forces, has resorted to popular resistance and arming citizens.

We say no to war because the Governor of the River Nile State, Mohamed El-Badawi Abdalmajid, cannot distinguish between the infidels of Quraysh and the free citizens of his state. This governor has not risen to the position he holds; he still works with the mindset of a small administrative officer at the beginning of his civil service career, chasing fish in the markets and pursuing tea sellers. Despite our full respect for administrative officers who have risen against civil service not only in Sudan but throughout the Gulf, the governor of the River Nile State has not reached that level. Tell this governor that this path was trodden by Ali Karti, Al-Fatih Azaldin, Anas Omar, and Salah Gosh. Ask him where they are now.

Just as we reject war, we also reject defaming the army. We say that the armed forces were pushed into an unconvinced war, causing the delay in victory. We do not believe that the Sudanese army needs popular support or resistance if it were engaged in a convinced war. The army remains esteemed and respected, unlike how remnants see it now. After weakening and exhausting it, they call for popular resistance after defaming the army and seek a replacement for it.

National unity and the security of its people and citizens are our red lines. Those who threaten these sanctities are the real enemies, whether they do so in the name of the allegedly plotted army or popular resistance. Tell Burhan that if he went to negotiate with Hametti, he is negotiating with the deceased, who has already had his fill of death. He should not forget to offer his condolences. Hametti has died and had his fill of death. Fatiha for the soul of Hametti! May the eyes of the remnants never sleep!

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