
Evil of the scourge

Osman Fadlallah
Many are happy with the speech, others are frustrated and there are people I grieve. But I was laughing. Yes, God. I might laugh a lot, because the man I talked about today removed the wisdom piece and the wisdom crown of the rulers.

It is not a piece of dignity that he spoke of today. Those who spoke today seeking applause from a few of the worlds capitals are stable and calling for more agony to reap the mirage. I do not satisfy God with his speech, nor do I satisfy the brothers of Satan.

I laughed as I read messages communicated to me daily from my generous Patwa begging for bite and demolition. A letter from a man who does not find the value of fontlin, and another whose birth is due and does not have the value of the beginning. She asks if she is helped by a few ration items that feed her children.

Yes, I laughed with a loud giggling hysteria and struck the palm of a man who put God in his neck, responsible for 30 million Sudanese and knocked them to death, because he wanted to prove his courage and that he had not been in Badrum for four consecutive months. A man in his state people go the distance from the revolution until Drew wishes at night hidden by darkness and ruins down to the Masid of the Elder of the Faithful to leave their children there until they find what they eat.

You know who talked about masculinity and men today. If he does not know, it is a misfortune, but he knows and ignores what he knows. He says, "Lift your phone and talk to you."

I laughed and I didnt know the meaning of the well-known saying "evil of the scourge laughs" until today. The man speaks of popular resistance, knowing that the battle is not a singer, a prone and a dreamer. The man speaks of the proximity of salvation and the islands villages one after the other Dant for quick support, accepted by Khartoum, Darfur, Kordofan and parts of Sinar.

He talks about arming people to defend their liberties and declares that there is no negotiation. He digs trenches around Shindi, Marwi and Gedaref, and says we are ready and we will move forward. He begs that the popular resistance should be under the command of the army, knowing that it has no authority over the army, no authority over the army, no resistance, and no authority over rapid support.

He calls for war, he is psychologically defeated, militarily defeated, politically defeated, diplomatically defeated, and the red carpet with which his opponent was received, where is the best evidence? He surrounded his forces inside the garrison and called for peace and a cessation of war. Whoever speaks today calls for pricing, is besieged today by a sincere diplomat or a liar who gives the world the language it wants and opens its doors. Whoever is speaking today closes open and indifferent.

Like it or not, that is a reality that is in front of our eyes. Darfur has not recovered, nor has Yarmouk returned, nor has the mountain of parents in its reservoir, which can be approached by those who were in it yesterday.

This man wants a friend to grab him by the shoulder and shake him so that he can wake up from the state of denial in which he is, to tell him that the resistance, which they are causing you nonsense, has been tested in a civilian and its leader "soldier" disappeared after he was dictating the world and the offices of the divisional leaders noisily. What happened at General Ahmad Al-Tayebs office the day before the fall of a civilian was reported. Where is he now? And why did it evaporate?

Did you ask yourself where they were singing war in its early days, and now they smell and call you plankton whenever you talk about lifting suffering about your people? These will bring Gedaref into the Holocaust of Waldamer and Maroui into a massacre and you are in charge.

Oh, dont shed our sins on us.

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