
After the Governor of the Nile States Decisions, April War for Settling the December Revolution

Al-Zain Osman

The governor of the Nile State, north of Khartoum, issued a decision to ban the activities of the "Resistance Committees," youth bodies that participated in the December revolution, which toppled the ousted President Omar al-Bashirs regime. They later engaged in a resistance project against the coup led by President Burhan and his deputy Hametti against the civilian government formed based on the constitutional document in 2019.

The state of emergency decision, signed by the governor, dissolved all the change and services committees in the state, forming new management committees consisting of the mosques imam in the area, the mobilization officer, a representative for women, a representative for youth, and a person from the veteran fighters.

The emergency decisions of the governor, Mohamed al-Badawi, also included a ban on the activities of the coordination bodies of the Forces for Freedom and Change in the state. The governor had previously demanded the member of the "Forces for Freedom and Change" alliance, which calls for ending the war, to leave the state within 72 hours during his address to a mass rally in Shendi a week ago. The state of emergency order obtained by "Moatinoon" includes penalties of imprisonment and fines for violators.

In response to the governors decisions, the Resistance Committees in the city of Atbara, where the December revolution started in 2019, issued a statement declaring their non-recognition of the governors decisions. The statement emphasized that the current war is a war against the National Congress Party and the Islamic Movement.

The statement affirmed the continuity of the Resistance Committees in their revolutionary project to achieve Sudan of freedom, peace, and justice and to dismantle the structure of the ousted regime, according to the statements description. The statement urged the people of the Nile State to resist these decisions and resist the mobilization campaigns for participating in an aimless war. The statement held the governor and the entities of the current authority responsible for the safety of the members of the Resistance Committees and the affiliates of the Forces for Freedom and Change, confirming their continuous activity without interruption.

A statement issued by the "Forces for Freedom and Change" considered the recent decisions of the governor of the Nile State as exacerbating the suffering of citizens, especially regarding the dissolution of the change and services committees, which provide services and fill the gap resulting from the absence of institutions, providing food, drink, and managing shelter centers.

The statement of Freedom and Change described the governors decisions as uncovering the truth for everyone and confirming facts that some have denied regarding the former regimes connection to the April war. It emphasizes that the matter goes beyond the Forces for Freedom and Change to all components that contributed to the revolution, stating that the primary goal of the April war was and still is to settle the December revolution and all its living forces, then work to restore the dissolved regime.

In the same context, the Resistance Committees in the Shambat area of Khartoum issued a brief statement on their official Facebook page, stating, "The best speech is concise," followed by the phrase "Wherever we step, we conquer," a slogan used for the revolution, indicating the need to confront the affiliates of the former regime decisively. The same hashtag was used in multiple statements by the Resistance Committees.

The irony is that, following the outbreak of the war between the army and the Rapid Support Forces nine months ago, some members of the Resistance Committees joined the fighting ranks with the army, implementing a previous commitment to "dissolve the militias." Some of them were martyred in the clashes, and some members of the Resistance Committees were arrested by the army intelligence, still held in prison on charges of openly supporting the militias, while the real charge is supporting the December revolution.

The recent decisions of the governor of the Nile State and the fierce media campaigns against the civilian component, accusing them of supporting rebellion by media rooms affiliated with remnants of the former regime, aim to widen the war against those calling for its cessation. The coup, which preceded the war, accuses the forces of change of supporting rebellion more than it accuses the Rapid Support Forces leading the rebellion. All these factors confirm one result: they are fighting the "December revolution," and they will be defeated. The Resistance Committees lived a dagger embedded in the hearts of Decembers enemies. Anyone who thinks December is defeatable should reconsider this image, which was nothing but a picture of the fire at the National Congress Partys headquarters in Atbara on December 19, published on the Facebook page of the Youssef Committees Resistance in Khartoum following the decisions of the governor of the Nile State.

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