
Resistance committees reject Nile River Governors decisions

The Nile River State Resistance Committees announced their rejection of the decisions of the State Governor, Mohammed al-Badawi, to ban the activity of FFC and Resistance Committees and dissolve service committees in neighbourhoods, villages and localities.

The Eastern Neighbourhood Resistance Committee in Atbara said it did not recognize these resolutions and, in a statement yesterday, affirmed the continuation of its path towards stopping the war and restoring democracy, freedom and justice, noting the Walis resolutions affirming that this war is the war of the dissolved National Congress and the Islamic Movement.

For its part, the Abidiya and Farouq Resistance Committees, in the Nile River, issued a statement rejecting the Walis decisions, stressing that they would not implement them.

Al Obaidiyas committees said the resolutions were aimed at the December Revolution and were intended to silence the committees, as well as targeting community accountability funds in the mining sector.

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