
Hemeti Agrees, Sovereign Council Rejects Attendance at IGAD Summit in Uganda

The Transitional Sovereignty Council has announced its rejection of the invitation received from the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), which is set to discuss the Sudanese crisis alongside recent developments between Ethiopia and Somalia. Meanwhile, the Rapid Support Forces Commander, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemeti), welcomed the invitation and agreed to attend the summit in Uganda scheduled for January 18.

In a statement issued today, the Sovereign Council stated that the Sudanese government sees no justification for convening a summit to discuss Sudan before implementing the outcomes of the previous summit. The Council noted that they had been positively engaging with all initiatives, particularly the efforts of IGAD, to achieve peace in Sudan. However, IGAD did not adhere to implementing the outcomes of the recent summit in Djibouti, which included a meeting between Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and the Rapid Support Forces Commander.

The Sovereign Councils statement highlighted that IGAD did not provide a convincing justification for canceling the meeting that it had called for on December 28, 2024.

The Sovereign Council emphasized that Sudans affairs are internal, and their response to regional initiatives does not imply relinquishing the sovereign right to solve Sudans issues by Sudanese themselves.

On the other hand, the Rapid Support Forces Commander, in a tweet on the X platform, affirmed his participation in the IGAD summit in Uganda, consistent with his supportive stance for a comprehensive peaceful solution to end wars in Sudan.

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