
United Nations: We Need a Ceasefire and Funding to Reach the Needy

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) renewed its call for a ceasefire in Sudan and urged the international community to provide funding to reach those in need in the country. It revealed that aid convoys were unable to reach Darfur and Kordofan between August and September, and it called on the international community to provide 210 million to supply life-saving food for the next six months.

In a campaign on its account on the Ex platform, the program stated that the country is currently facing a humanitarian disaster with devastating effects on civilians. The WFP is capable of providing the necessary support in emergency situations, but "the fighting must stop now to safely reach those who are in desperate need."

It clarified that 5 million people, out of 18 million facing severe hunger, have reached "emergency hunger levels." More than 75% of them are currently in areas with extremely limited access due to intense fighting and restrictions. Without their assistance, there is a significant risk that they may slide into disaster.

The main reasons for food insecurity are intensified conflict, increasing sectarian violence, economic crisis, rising prices of food, fuel, and essential goods, and agricultural production below average.

It emphasized that access to hot conflict zones such as Khartoum, Darfur, and Kordofan remains challenging. Aid convoys have only been able to reach the Greater Khartoum area, where aid convoys could not cross between August and November.

The program announced that it needs 210 million from January to June 2024 to ensure families ability to continue accessing life-saving food assistance.




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