
Tagadom: The Army Has Agreed to Meet Us

The "Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces - Tagadom" announced today, Tuesday, that it has received the armys approval for a meeting with the "Change Alliance," with the exact date to be determined through consultations.

In a concise statement on the coalitions page, "Tagadom" stated, "Change has received an official approval from the Armed Forces leadership to hold a direct consultation meeting regarding the cessation of the war. Consultations are underway regarding the details of arranging the time and place of the meeting."

The statement noted that the response of the Armed Forces to the "Tagadom" meeting comes as a "continuation of the consultations and presentation of the outcomes of the meeting held with the Rapid Support Forces delegation, which agreed to unconditional negotiations." It will also present the "Tagadom" vision for a solution in the upcoming meeting with the leadership of the Armed Forces.

It expressed hope that the Armed Forces would accept it and commit to a peaceful negotiation solution.

On January 4, the head of the coordination, former Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamdouk, announced that he had addressed the Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Armed Forces to urge him to accept the request for a direct meeting with the Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Tagadom). This followed the coordinations meeting with the Rapid Support Forces commander in Addis Ababa, aiming to "seize the opportunity that arose to stop the war, as expressed in the Addis Ababa declaration signed between Change and the Rapid Support Forces." The declaration indicated the full readiness of the Rapid Support Forces to unconditionally halt hostilities through direct negotiations with the Armed Forces.

He added, "We extend our clean hands for a peaceful and negotiable solution, hoping that the warring parties will respond to it so that we can alleviate the suffering of our people and build our country on a new foundation that makes the war of April 15 the last wars of Sudan, followed by sustainable peace."

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