
The Communist Party and the Fair Play Trophy!

Mohamed Abdelmajid

In football competitions, teams and national squads that dont achieve championships and have a record devoid of continental victories always end up winning the Fair Play Trophy!! That seems to be their destiny, and the Fair Play Trophy, in my belief, is a (negative) award without value, even though it may appear (honorable), because the enthusiasm and intensity of teams winning the Fair Play Trophy are lukewarm and weak. They consistently avoid tough situations and crucial moments, as players of such teams rarely receive colorful cards. Hence, they win the Fair Play Trophy, an award given to the team with the fewest colored cards. Its somewhat similar to the award for the ideal student in schools, where the (ideal student) is always (neither here nor there), characterized by absolute calmness and silence.

The Sudanese Communist Party has become accustomed to (walking next to the wall), avoiding participation and colorful cards, fearing accountability and responsibility. Its a party that believes in the saying (stay away from evil, and it stays away from you). Thus, it appears to people as a party with a stance, but it fundamentally dislikes entering exams or confrontations. If it starts to seem confrontational and fierce, it is a posture that comes from passivity or negativity. The party participates and works from (their homes), far from real confrontations, and thats how it wins the Fair Play Trophy. The Sudanese Communist Party does not understand, being one of the oldest political parties in Sudan, that politics is a dirty game, with no fair play or perfection in it.

The spirit and principle that the Sudanese Communist Party follows may have been acquired from its long underground work. Due to persecutions and oppression, it remained away from the limelight, staying like (shade plants) unable to withstand light or confrontations. The Sudanese Communist Party chose to be opposition, even to the government it helped come to power. Its an opposing party that opposes opposition. The Communist Party can oppose a government of which it is a part or a prominent entity, as happened with the Forces of Freedom and Change that emerged from it. It appeared more opposed to them than the dissolved National Congress Party.

Although the Sudanese Communist Party is a democratic party and advocates for democracy, having honorable positions and history in this field, or at least it seems so, in reality, the Communist Party is the most narrow-minded party when it comes to other opinions.

The partys stance on the Addis Ababa Declaration signed between (Tajamu) and the Rapid Support Forces, and its rejection of it, is not strange for it to do what it does. The Communist Party has even marginalized and expelled from the party everyone who disagreed with it or had a divergent opinion. Salah Ahmed Ibrahim, the famous Sudanese poet and intellectual, and Ahmed Suleiman, the lawyer known for his book written after leaving the Communist Party ("We Did It: Pages from the Memoirs of a Guided Communist"), were among those who left or were expelled from the party. The Communist Party also disagreed with some of its prominent members, such as Dr. Abdullah Ali Ibrahim, Dr. Abdullah Hamdouk, Al-Haj Warraq, Al-Khatim Adlan, Dr. Al-Shafei Khidir, even Amin Hassan Omar, and Abdelbasset Sabdarat were members of the party, but all of them were expelled from the party because they had opinions and positions that the party considered against its stances and principles.

I have written extensively, stating that there is a significant resemblance between the stance of the Communist Party and the Islamic Movement. They criticized the Addis Ababa Declaration and rejected a meeting with (Tajamu) despite the welcome from the Sovereign Council and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs affiliated with the Islamic Movement for a meeting between Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and Dr. Abdullah Hamdouk, who is striving to stop the war. Strangely, the Communist Party held a meeting in Cairo with the Baath Party and the Nation Party, its arch-enemies, and refused to meet the "Tajamu" coordination, which calls for an end to the war.

The Communist Party had criticized the Addis Ababa Declaration, considering it an extension of the partnership with the Rapid Support Forces. The Rapid Support Forces are now a key player in the arena, which we have been unable to overcome even after a war that lasted for more than nine months. Therefore, a strategy must be developed to deal with the Rapid Support Forces through dialogue and peace, not war, as we have failed to deal with them through war.

The Communist Party stated that sitting with "Tajamu" is a betrayal of the choices of the Sudanese people. This leads us to ask the Communist Party: Is war the choice of the Sudanese people? Dialogue and sitting together are options that the Sudanese people cannot reject, and they must be among the choices, especially since it appears to be the only feasible option rejected by the Sudanese Communist Party.

The Sudanese Communist Party announced its rejection of the invitation from the Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces ("Tajamu") to sit and discuss the issues of war and peace in Sudan. The Communist Party did not comment on the decision of the acting governor of North Kordofan, Abdin Awad Allah, who dissolved the Change and Services Committees and banned the activities of the Forces of Freedom and Change and the Resistance Committees. This decision follows similar measures taken by the governor of the White Nile state a few days ago.

The Communist Party did not criticize the violations of the Rapid Support Forces, the looting and plunder they practice in any city or village they enter. The Communist Party also did not comment on reports indicating that Al-Burhan owns a palace in the "Injik" suburb in the Gulbashi area, one of the most upscale neighborhoods in the Turkish capital, Ankara, according to the former Sudanese ambassador to Turkey, Adel Ibrahim. The palace, where Al-Burhans family currently resides, consisting of a wife and two sons and one daughter, is valued at 3 million. The Communist Party did not comment on Al-Burhans (Turkish) citizenship.

The ousted regimes media also remained silent on this matter, even though it used to make a lot of noise about Hamdouks maintenance of his house, which amounted to 3 billion Sudanese pounds. They objected to this figure and remained silent about the 3 million cost of Al-Burhans villa in Turkey.

The Communist Party did not address the continuation of the military aviation of the Sudanese army, targeting sites believed to belong to the Rapid Support Forces in the states of Al-Jazira and South Kordofan, causing casualties among civilians. The Communist Party did not stop at unknown individuals setting fire to the headquarters of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in the city of Wad Madani, the capital of Al-Jazira State, on Friday, causing extensive damage to the building. The fire consumed official documents, and church leaders held the Rapid Support Forces morally and legally responsible for the incident, as they control the city.

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