
Emergency Room 1 in Am Doum Executes a Mass Circumcision Project with ``Maa Al-Sabireen``

moatinoon - Om Doum

Emergency Room 1, in collaboration with the charitable volunteer organization "Maa Al-Sabireen," has successfully implemented a mass circumcision project in the Om Doum area in the East Nile locality, east of the Sudanese capital, Khartoum.

The mass circumcision project, executed for 50 children from Am Doum and its neighboring areas, under the theme "A Healthy Community," aimed to engage families and individuals in celebrating with their children despite the challenging circumstances of war and difficult economic conditions.

The entire community in the Om Doum area enthusiastically embraced the significant humanitarian project, expressing their gratitude to the volunteer organization "Maa Al-Sabireen," led by its president, Mohamed El Sayed El Khalil, and members Abbas Abdulrahman Al-Hassan, Bakheeta Hassan, and Rasha Hamed.

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