
African Union Appoints High-Level Committee for Peace in Sudan

In a new step towards addressing the Sudanese crisis, the African Union has announced the formation of a new mechanism to deal with the situation in Sudan.

Moussa Faki Mohamed, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, declared in a statement on Wednesday the establishment of a high-level committee to achieve "swift peace, restore constitutional order, and stability in Sudan."

The committee, named the "African Union High-Level Peace Committee on Sudan," comprises three prominent African figures:

Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas: the African Union High Representative for Silencing the Guns – Chair
Dr. Speciosa Wandira Kazibwe: Former Vice President of Uganda – Member
Ambassador Francisco Madeira: Former Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission for Somalia and Head of the African Union Mission in Somalia – Member
The African Union clarified that the decision aligns with the recommendations of the African Union Peace and Security Council, as per statement number 1185 (2023), reinforcing the African Unions mandate and commitment to consolidating peace and stability on the continent.

Regarding the committees mission, the African Union stated that it will "work with all Sudanese stakeholders: civil forces, warring military factions, regional and international actors, including relevant international development bodies, the United Nations, and the League of Arab States, to ensure a comprehensive process towards restoring peace, constitutional order, and stability in Sudan."

The Chairperson of the Commission called upon all Sudanese parties and the international community to cooperate with and support the committee.


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