
IOM: The international community should not turn its back on the suffering of Sudanese people

The Director-General of the International Organization for Migration, Ima Bob, called on the international community not to abandon millions of civilians bearing the brunt of the ongoing conflict for nine months in Sudan. She emphasized the urgent need for a humanitarian response to address the increasing needs of the worlds largest displacement crisis.

In a statement issued yesterday, she reiterated the call for a ceasefire in Sudan to enable people to rebuild their lives with dignity.

The number of displaced and refugees has exceeded 7.7 million people since the start of the fighting on April 15, 2023, according to the latest report from the International Organization for Migrations displacement tracking matrix issued on January 16. Among them, 1.7 million crossed borders to South Sudan, Chad, Ethiopia, Egypt, the Central African Republic, and Libya.

Ima Bob, the Director-General of the International Organization for Migration, said after her recent visit to eastern Chad, "We must not turn our backs on the suffering of millions of people affected by this destructive conflict."

She added, "Now, more than ever, we need all possible support to continue providing life-saving humanitarian assistance and move towards recovery and long-term solutions."

The International Organization for Migration called for 307 million to reach 1.2 million people affected by this conflict, including internally displaced persons, refugees, returnees, and third-country nationals.

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