
Sudanese Journalists Union Condemns Threats to Journalist

The Sudanese Journalists Union condemned the intimidation and threats against the correspondent of Al Arabiya and Al Hadath channels in Khartoum, journalist Shahdi Nader, through the broadcast of accusations on social media.

In a statement on Saturday, the union stated that "unknown entities disseminated a post yesterday, Friday, January 19th, carrying serious accusations against the journalist Shahdi Nader, the correspondent of Al Arabiya and Al Hadath channels in Khartoum, on social media in Sudan. The mentioned post contained insinuations of a hidden link between the journalistic and media coverage of journalist Shahdi Nader and the heavy artillery shelling targeting those entities."

The union strongly rejected the accusations against journalists and their threats and intimidation.

It warned "irresponsible entities that have been unjustly accusing journalists since the outbreak of war in Sudan in mid-April last year, taking sides at the expense of others, that their actions will not go without accountability. Hiding behind social media will not be useful, and there will come a day when they pay the price for their crimes against journalists in full."

The union affirmed that journalists in Sudan are performing their professional duties in extremely complex conditions amid the crossfire of the warring parties, exposing their lives and properties to danger to provide distinguished media services.

It called on media and journalistic entities to provide all forms of protection for journalists during the performance of their professional duties, urging journalists to follow safety procedures and emphasizing that self-protection is a priority over reporting events under all circumstances.

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