
Journalists Union: We Completed the Training of 126 Journalists in Combating Misleading News

The Sudanese Journalists Union announced that it has completed the training of 126 journalists in combating misleading and false news, as well as ensuring the safety and protection of journalists covering conflicts in three Sudanese states.

The Unions Social Secretary, Walid El-Nour, stated in a press release on Tuesday after the conclusion of the third course held in Atbara City, northern Sudan, from January 15 to 23, that training is a priority for the union, especially given the conditions journalists are facing, with media institutions failing to pay journalists salaries for over ten months.

He added that the training course included 40 journalists from the Nile River State who received training in combating misleading and false news for four days, in addition to another four days on the safety and protection of journalists during conflict coverage. Financial support was also provided to the trainees.

Walid mentioned that the union initiated the journalists training project in the Gezira State, central Sudan, from November 6 to 9 and from November 13 to 17, 2023, where 46 trainees from those working in radio, television, the Sudan News Agency, and those working on websites participated. In the Red Sea State, 40 journalists received two training courses on combating false and misleading news and the safety and protection of journalists during conflict coverage from November 28 to December 4 of the previous year. The participants included journalists from the Radio and Television Corporation of the Red Sea State and some journalists from outside the Red Sea State.

Walid emphasized that during the war period, the union provided financial support to 187 journalists in conflict areas and stable states. It managed to provide monthly support to 20 journalists with chronic diseases in cooperation with some organizations and seeks to add 45 others.

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